Preview of tonight's double Corrie - Monday 3 March

Coronation Street, MONDAY 3RD MARCH 2014 at 7.30pm
GARY FEARS PHELAN IS DEAD Gary and Owen are uneasy as they set off to the mill. At the building site, there’s no sign of Phelan and they’re still unsure if he’s dead or alive. As Gary’s fear grows, Owen does his best to calm him down but when Valerie arrives demanding to know where Phelan is, how will they explain? 
TINA STRUGGLES AS CARLA RETURNS It’s back to reality for Tina and Peter when Carla returns from Paris. Tina can’t help but feel jealous when Carla boasts about spending the morning in bed with her husband. Unable to listen to Carla any longer, she texts Peter, leaving Carla and Michelle to their second bottle of wine.
STELLA RECEIVES THE SURPRISE AT DEV’S PARTY Dev’s thrilled when Stella suggests they meet for a birthday drink. Stella suggests they go back to No. 13 where the residents are secretly holding a surprise birthday for him. Thinking his luck is in he tries to kiss Stella but suddenly the lights go on. Will Dev be left feeling mortified? 
ELSEWHERE Jason is unimpressed to see Tony kissing Liz passionately in the street and Steph moves into Tina’s flat with the help of her brother Luke.

Coronation Street, MONDAY 3RD MARCH 2014 at 8.30pm
OWEN AND GARY FACE THEIR FIRST MAJOR TEST Owen and Gary tell a worried Valerie that they have no idea where Phelan is. Anna’s worried Phelan did a runner because he made a pass at her and she tells Owen of her worry but as Gary and Owen head home, they find a bruised Phelan, lurking in the shadow. Will he be set on revenge?
PETER EASILY SWITCHES BETWEEN WIFE AND MISTRESS Peter and Tina make love in Peter’s flat but Tina’s left feeling hurt and very much ‘the other woman’ when Peter starts looking at his watch. Carla arrives home to find Peter fresh from the shower and he leads her to the bedroom. Peter easily switches between wife and mistress but how will Tina feel at constantly playing second fiddle?
DEV’S FEELING BLUE ON HIS BIRTHDAY Dev’s mortified that he tried to kiss Stella in front of everyone and apologises to her for misreading the signals, Stella assures him they’re still mates.
ELSEWHERE Sophie tells Maddie she’s quitting her voluntary job. Maddie’s devastated but does her best to hide it. Andrea’s unimpressed to learn that Lloyd once tried to kiss Stella too.

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