Internet users, international scientists bookmarked these publications: The effect of synthetic surfactants on the hydrobiological mechanisms of water self-purification

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The effect of synthetic surfactants on the hydrobiological mechanisms of water self-purification, and some others as well;

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Article: The effect of synthetic surfactants on the hydrobiological mechanisms of water self-purifi...

Ostroumov S.A.
The effect of synthetic surfactants on the hydrobiological mechanisms of water self-purification
Water Resources. 2004. Volume 31, Number 5 p. 502-510.; DOI 10.1023/B:WARE.0000041919.77628.8d 01/2004;


A discovery: it is the first time it is proved that synthetic surfactants (and detergents) give rise to inhibition of the ecological mechanisms that improve water quality in aquatic (freshwater and marine) ecoystems.

Ostroumov S.A. The effect of synthetic surfactants on the hydrobiological mechanisms of water self-purification. - Water Resources. 2004. Volume 31, Number 5 p. 502-510.; DOI 10.1023/B:WARE.0000041919.77628.8d.

[Long-term studies of the biological effect of surfactants, including the effect surfactants exert on filter feeders, are reviewed. The role of filter feeders in the functioning of freshwater and marine ecosystems is analyzed. New aspects in the assessment of environmental hazard due to the impact of chemical pollutants, including surfactants and detergents, are established].

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