Hey Joe..what do ya know?

Well, for sure he knows he is all that and a bag of chips.

Imagine this face looking at

this face
Neither will blink

Peace is slowly returning to our home, though. Oh, they are still doing the odd 'hiss and snarl' but for the most part the cats are just keeping their distance for now. Audrey is out and about again. She walks past Joe with her head and tail held high. She's rather cocky until he makes an unexpected move and then she high-tails it to her hidey-hole. She watches him from there. He has a high-pitched squeal instead of a normal sounding "meow" which really throws her. I've been giving her extra cuddles and I expect it will take the full two weeks for everyone to settle down and find their corners. I'm chopped liver to her these days.

We do have some feeding issues as the new-comers are used to food being left out as my daughter is at work all day. Our cats are not used to being free-range felines and Annie will devour all food that is sitting unattended. So, to keep Annie from blowing up the food is put away. Joe and Rae-Rae will now be looking forward to scheduled meals.

"Oh you do look pathetic, Audrey. But then, I'm sure that is the intention."

It will be a busy weekend with cat-sitting and a birthday dinner for John. Thank you all for the nice comments on his birthday post.
We are expecting to have some nicer weather this weekend. The sun is warmer, the snow is disappearing and the time is about to spring forward on Sunday morning.
Now, ain't that the cat's meow!
Hope it's warming up where you are.
hugs, Deb

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