(en) Italy, FdCA - School: with the precarious workers against insecurity and unemployment on the rubble of public schools (it)

The rubble of public school caused in the recent past by ?8,5 billion and cuts of 150,000 
seats taken by the Berlusconi Government/Gelmini, prowl new Ministers and undersecretaries 
unlikely to promise new resources for cultural and educational project, whose educational 
policies are clearly positive for the acceleration of the process of conversion of the 
school into a trained manpower to meet the needs of a market volatile imposing-thanks to 
more aggressive claims crisis-as a "selection", meritocracy and funding to this aim. ---- 
The process that is unfolding with serious injury teaching freedom, to the level of 
preparation of students and for the democratic debate, requires a hierarchy of power 
without a counterweight that in executives and extra-contractual structures the 
decision-making actually centers, in spite of collegiate bodies, now forced to mere places 
of ratification of decisions taken elsewhereand in defiance of unions, private school now 
real bargaining powers and control over the actions of the other party with regard to 
staff and contractual funds management.

The bargaining block until 2014, the resource definanziamento for income (payment of 
seniority with the Fund for the expansion of training), for construction and for 
assistance have deeply prostrate, workers increasingly intimidated by the ministerial and 
offensive response failure.

There are now some signs of reaction strike of additional hours held in March, but above 
all the struggle of initiatives/insecure/teachers and scheduled for March 21 and April 11.

As in any business, the precarious workers/guarantee by years, immense sacrifices price, 
the structural tightness of the school system.

On of them is a future full of pitfalls, including include the last so-called 
"experimentation", in Milan and Naples high school cycles lasting just 4 years, prelude to 
more cuts. On 21 March, the seasonal workers will leave en masse (not granted to them and 
do not pay) and will organize, simultaneously, protest actions at the local level.

For the April 11, then, it was called a strike by precarious public school, with national 

It is desirable for the convergence on the April 11 date of the trade unions and industry 
associations, for a general mobilization of all workers at the school, also involving 
associations of parents and students.

It is to resume with a determination unit for battle: ? taking indefinitely of all 
precarious school, teachers and ATA, through refinancing of public school and the 
withdrawal of the cuts Gelmini. through a system of unified recruiting and unlocking the 
turn-over; rejecting the call by executives, a harbinger of patronage and "normalization" 
of ideology;
? the regular payment of wages, holidays not taken and shots precarious and staff role;
? the withdrawal of confusing directives on Special educational needs, aimed at cutting 
off support, jobs to the detriment of the right to education of persons with disabilities 
and the integration of immigrants;
? Suppression of quiz INVALSI, which trample the autonomy of evaluation of teachers and to 
reshape the education on the needs outside of the learnings, although access to funding 
related to meritocracy;
? block funding to private school and "egalitarian";
? the allocation of funds for the safety of schools.


Council of delegates from the Federation of Anarchist Communists March 16, 2014

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