Contents ---- PAGE 3 EDITORIAL ---- CLASS STRUGGLE ---- PAGES 4-6 deletions positions
Redoubt: the "Awe" does not leave to be ---- PAGES 7-8 Victory after 18 days of strike
action in cleaning the Gare d'Austerlitz in Paris! ---- PAGE 9 The police charged inside
the psychiatric hospital in Caen! ---- SOCIAL MOVEMENT ---- PAGES 10-11 Expulsions of
emergency shelters in Caen (or elsewhere) a situation far from settled ---- RESISTANCE TO
GREAT WORK USELESS ---- PAGES 12-13 Results of the demonstration in Nantes ---- PAGE 14
Call for mobilization, occupation and reoccupation decentralized actions against the dam
Sivens ---- STRUGGLES AGAINST technosciences ---- PAGE 15 Minatec or Caen or elsewhere
---- BIG BROTHER PAGE 16 ---- CLIMATE POLICY ---- PAGES 18-19 penalize customers? ---- OUR
HISTORY ---- PAGES 20-21 Is there an origin to March 8?
PAGES 22-24 The urban policy between localism and spatialism
PAGES 26-27 Switzerland and "mass immigration"
PAGES 28-31 Situation in Ukraine
The electoral circus is left for 3 months. If we judge by the number of contenders, their
"democracy" is doing well. But good health will stop there because participation is not
likely to break records in city neighborhoods where the population lives below the poverty
line. When one spends his time and his energy trying to survive, employment center at CCAS
through charities for food and clothing, we have other concerns ... The municipal
elections are yet another content that presidential and parliamentary elections. The
issues are not the same in a village in a city. Recall for naive, a municipal council,
even adorned with good intentions (social, environmental, ...), is under the supervision
of the prefect, who may at any moment break any decision which would be against the best
interests of State and even resign any elected "wacky." You must not dream any alternative
Municipalism at any level whatsoever.
As for cities, sores of Paris and Lille should allow Anne Hidalgo and Martine Aubry to
limit the damage to the PS. Lyon, the Left is in for a long time one second Right
efficient power should proceed. As for the rest of the large and medium cities, the ruling
party will take slaps as it should be sanctioned by the voters, not on any assessment of
its municipal action, but reaction against the current regime. This is how to prevent this
type of electoral behavior, some mayors of the Socialist Party politician gum completely
their label. Reims, and this is just one example, in any leaflet, poster or no profession
of faith, you will see the PS initials attached to the outgoing mayor! If you always take
the case of Reims, but you can find this phenomenon in other cities, the outgoing mayor
may not have a hope of winning (and again ...) if the National Front manages to be in the
second round . Issues we guess ... and scheming. This situation will be clarified when the
Right is uninhibited enough to make alliance with the FN to manage the affairs of the state.
But we're not there yet! Uninteresting as possible to leave this circus report as
anti-fascism lounge will serve reel for the Socialist Party in power. Classic! Recall that
the "socialist" Mitterrand became re-elected in 1988 with the rise of the National Front
... As we know, all these issues would be swept if politicians a social movement born of
magnitude. For the past 40 years, social struggles are defensive struggles to preserve the
social gains of the previous periods. These struggles have always taking place (and it's
happy!) As the Capital continues to break the sectors it considers unprofitable. These
struggles, employment has never been preserved despite workerists speech and intensity of
class conflict. Obviously, the employee wants to sell because he has no choice if Capital
does not want this labor, it is a disaster for the workers and their families. For cons,
the only things that have been torn from the Capital are severance.
It is noted that in the case of the steel industry, to take one example, in the 80s, the
claims of maintaining the plants were working tool and only as a last resort (except in
exceptional cases) that licensees fought for a substantial compensation. Now, even when a
plant closes or terminates renowned (such as Redoute Roubaix), employees immediately think
of the amounts of severance or voluntary departure. These class struggles can only hit the
Capital at checkout but not put in difficulty because its interests (and dividends ...)
moved. Especially since these workers-proletarians communities dissolve and atomize. It
can not be any construction or maintenance of a balance of power in class production
centers abandoned by capital.
These struggles naturally turn towards government ordered to take a position, to make
proposals to bend employers. This is always accompanied by legal proceedings where
employees are disempowered by law firms specializing in labor law. Gradually, the class
struggle dissolves. While it is hoped and above what can be done to change this situation?
It is often said that the extension of precariousness, working conditions increasingly
degraded, suggest a return to the 19th century-early 20th in developed countries. This is
true, but not entirely because today there is the technology to monitor our actions in the
street but also on our operating locations.
Today and tomorrow the proletariat class struggle has to carry on working conditions on
employment contracts, against surveillance and social control ... and obviously on wages.
In this issue of CA, we reported a victory of the proletariat subcontractor SNCF Gare
d'Austerlitz in Paris. Of course, today's victory may lead to a loss tomorrow, but
nevertheless, win can only give the fishing for future fights. There too long we lose, the
capitalists have the initiative because they have a global perspective while we have huge
difficulties to fight for the preservation of our achievements and especially to overcome
national boundaries. Yep, bosses relocate today, but where they are of class struggles are
born! It is time to internationalize our struggles as it happens around the world affects
us here and we must make the soil of our future fights!
OCL Reims, February 20, 2014
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» (en) France, Organisation Communiste Libertarie (OCL) - Courant Alternatif, CA #238 March 2014 - Contents + Editorial (fr)