Montpellier - Another Future ---- The changes do not come out of the polls. ---- Direct
democracy yes! ---- Elections no! ---- The municipal elections on 23 and 30 March arrive
in a particularly tense economic environment. The crisis is installed throughout Europe
and the political is personal campaign to get votes, shake hands and promise of change.
Yet representative contrary to what he suggests system is primarily used to change
nothing. And the radicalism displayed by some e-es when entering politics disappears when
they are integrated and-es in this system. Access to power through elections as well as by
economic success, even small changes behavior and allows at least four drift: nepotism,
(son-girls, companions, family members of elected representatives appointed es in key
positions) cronyism ( a voice chat like Evry by billionaire Serge Dassault 1 , the case
socks Perpignan 2 ) collusion between big business and elected representative-es-es (
billing public markets to finance political parties) and the professionalization of
politics making a trade, all this in order to preserve the gains made ??by the ruling class.
The left-wing parties calling for a vote anticapitalist locked in the electoral logic are
often divided. The energies are activists, as honest soient-ils/elles, focused on
deadlines without significant impact on daily life. 's disappointed es traditionally
ruling parties are turning increasingly to the extreme parties right. Anti-social and
security policies in recent years have made ??the game reactionary and xenophobic ideas.
The result is disastrous and is not ready to be reversed if it does not try anything out
of the polls.
Anarchism, electioneering is a mistake because it diverts attention from policy to do
sustained focus in punctual moments influenced by the immediate context: the crisis, so I
do a safe country and / xenophobic or which is likely to obtain the support of "the
people." An election campaign provides the rest of the time to engage in militant
struggle, and goes against a real grip of decisions by the population. P o ur democracy
directly, i need the one abstention acting. must replace the representativeness away from
the collective interest imperative mandate, rotating and revocable.
We must organize ourselves without expecting anything from the top, create self-managed
systems, non-hierarchical therefore our needs. To cope with the crisis, take back the land
struggles is necessary to oppose all measures of austerity and social regression, as well
as organize interprofessional solidarity to face the attacks of employers. Daily, reflexes
support are possible. As those who are established through redistributions of bread to
Figuerolles in Montpellier, organized by a group of mutual bringing people in the
neighborhood. Practices of solidarity and collective resistance to all areas of life such
as health, food and housing, were thus established everywhere in Greece by the population
suffers severely the crisis. Develop to break with individualism and all against all would
lay the groundwork for a direct democracy.
The group Another Future for the Coordination of Anarchist Groups
1 M area for 14 years and a senator for life, S erge Dassault won the elections by paying
touts who offered benefits to young people from neighborhoods to make them vote.
2 The elections were canceled because a party member the mayor Jean-Paul Alduy was
surprised with hidden in his socks at the time of counting of votes newsletters.
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» (en) France, Alternative Libertaire AL - The changes do not come out of the polls. Direct democracy yes! Elections no!,