Come on Corrie, bring back Rula!

As I alluded to in my blog post yesterday, I think there's a lot that could still be done to strengthen our favourite soap. A lot of people seemed to agree that some more mature characters were needed, particularly a female friend for our Audrey.

I loved seeing Rula Lenska in Corrie a few years back as Claudia Colby, friend and adversary of Audrey and owner of the successful Perm Suspect hairdressers. Aud and Claud made for a great double act and although the majority of their time on screen together involved men, I think there was and is tremendous storyline potential for the two ladies.

I recently read Rula Lenska's really interesting autobiography and she talks with great affection of her time in Corrie and makes it clear that she would happily have kept on appearing. Rula also thought there was plenty of potential for further storylines however obviously the writers didn't agree as Claudia disappeared after she and Audrey fell out over Marc/Marcia. Rula also said she loved working with Sue Nicholls as Audrey - I too think they had great chemistry.

So come on Corrie bosses, bring back Rula Lenska as Claudia Colby. I think there is room on the cobbles for another successful, glamorous businesswoman, don't you?

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