Approval by independent Internet user, Tweet got favorited, Environmental science, ecology, water quality, protection, environment. These papers attracted interest, were downloaded

Approval by independent Internet user, Tweet got favorited, Environmental science, ecology, water quality, protection, environment. These papers attracted interest, were downloaded

 this Tweet got favorited!
Sergei A. Ostroumov
Sergei A. Ostroumov Sergei A. Ostroumov
2000+ times these articles were used.#Environmental science, #ecology#water quality,…
11:02 AM - 07 Mar 14
Favorited by

PogobrainPogobrain @Pogobrain
bytes of awe.

Full reference to the link /online article that was mentioned and cited above:

2000+ times these articles were used. Environmental science, ecology, water quality, protection, environment. These papers were downloaded from Internet, recently.

Researchers who downloaded the full-texts, selected (U.S.A., France, Italy, Japan, etc.):

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