He didn't stand a chance, I always told him he was hatched from an egg. |
He did love dinosaurs, ran raptor laps around the kitchen, pretended to devour his brother who always had to be some poor mammal he caught, had to be a dinosaur on more than one Halloween, always wrote about dinosaurs, and read all kinds of books about dinosaurs. We really thought he would grow up and be a paleontologist. When he left for college he left a dinosaur skeleton model on my pillow just to make me cry (and it worked).
The Dinosaur birthday cake for his 7th birthday. |
"He called me ridiculous." she replied indignantly.
"Zachary David, we do not call names, tell your teacher you are sorry." I scolded.
"No." he flatly refused.
"Zachary, you apologize right now." I was getting so embarrassed, as the pastor told everyone to "sing louder!"
"No, what she said was ridiculous. She said there were no dinosaurs and God just put their bones in the ground. I told her that was the most ridiculous thing I have every heard."
"See," his teacher puffed, "He did it again."
"Did you tell him there were no dinosaurs and God just put their bones in the ground?" I asked in amazement.
"Yes." She stated flatly, "That is the truth, and there is no proof otherwise."
"Well, that is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard, and you are not allowed to be my son's Sunday School teacher. Zach, go sit with your dad in church."
I can only be so polite.
The Halloween he was a pterodactyl, I don't know why he HAD to wear the Aladdin t-shirt with it though. |
2 years ago:Chocolate Peanut Butter Bars
February 19, 2014 Daylight 9 hrs. 0 min. 45 sec. Temp H -2/ L -26°F
February 19, 2014 Daylight 9 hrs. 0 min. 45 sec. Temp H -2/ L -26°F