Yay! It's my birthday (Miss Petite Nigeria is a year older)Photos

Whew! Yet another birthday and I don't even know where to start thanking God from..Is it my health, my family,my blog, my career? There's just a lot to thank him for..Without the gift of life,none of this would be possible...
Today being the 26th of February means alot to me, not  just because its my birthday but because this month reminds me of losing my beloved dad who meant and still means the world to me...His birthday falls on this month..But most importantly, exactly two years ago on the 12th of February 2011, I had my first brush with death.I don't mean a minor brush..I mean death looked me in the eye but God said ..Emeh Achanga, It isn't time yet ....

So my first diary in months is drawn from that real life experience..As I said earlier..I write from my heart..Not good at faking it and I know many of you have missed the writer side of me..It's back!!!!
Also,I crave your indulgence to feel free to tell me where I'm going wrong and where you feel I need to improve or what to incorporate to make your visit to this blog a beautiful experience..

I can't thank you all for making this blog worthwhile,for encouraging me ,,sending emails, correcting me ..I can't thank you enough for dropping comments because you appreciate this blog and want it to grow..This blog will be 3 years old on the 16th of August and I can't start to count  my blessings ..

Thanks to all those who participate in the Style Crush which many have turned to Face crush or Selfie Crush lol..Its just an opportunity to incorporate the readers into this site, to see each other's faces not to hate on one another even though I know most times, it's just fun....
So today..I'm featuring myself as the Style Crush of the day lol..feel free to blast me but remember it's my birthday
God bless you all.. Oya love my style?Photos below

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