I and Pangur Bán, my cat
'Tis a like task we are at;
Hunting mice is his delight,
Hunting words I sit all night.
and still I didn't twig.
It's obvious, of course. Medieval monks, working away at their beautiful illuminated manuscripts, had enemies other than just Nordic types going a-viking. They were painstakingly inscribing their letters and images onto lunch.
(© Corpus Christi College Cambridge, MS 214, fol. 122r)
That manuscript has been thoroughly gnawed and nibbled on. (Though the mice have shown a certain restraint. Or is it just a question of generous margins?) It was, therefore, an excellent idea to have in your scriptorium at least one cat. Some, perhaps, larger than others ...
(image from wikipedia)
(Okay, I know, I know, it's a lion and it's there because St Jerome took a thorn out of his paw - but it's such a lovely picture ...)
But, as anyone who's ever tried to shoo a cat off a keyboard will know, cats and writing do not always go together so peacefully.
(image from National Geographic)
Inky paws skitter across the page - or sometimes something worse ...
(© Cologne, Historisches Archiv, G.B. quarto, 249, fol. 68r)
Make the image a bit bigger - that's a cat the cheesed-off monk has drawn, not a donkey, and those accusing fingers are pointing at potent, pongy, moggy pee. It's enough to make a good man curse.
Hic non defectus est, sed cattus minxit desuper nocte quadam. Confundatur pessimus cattus qui minxit super librum istum in nocte Daventrie, et consimiliter omnes alii propter illum. Et cavendum valde ne permittantur libri aperti per noctem ubi cattie venire possunt.
Here is nothing missing, but a cat urinated on this during a certain night. Cursed be the pesty cat that urinated over this book during the night in Deventer and because of it many others [other cats] too. And beware well not to leave open books at night where cats can come.
Well, it's good advice. Vermin and vellum may not mix, but cat pee really doesn't enhance anything at all.
Joan Lennon's website.
Joan Lennon's blog.
P.S. It was not only monks who had grudges against cats. If, instead of nibbling the vellum, the vermin had engaged in some art work of their own, they might very well have come up with something along the lines of this 18th century Russian print -
I'll not be showing this to my cat. She's a sensitive soul.
Joan Lennon's blog.
P.S. It was not only monks who had grudges against cats. If, instead of nibbling the vellum, the vermin had engaged in some art work of their own, they might very well have come up with something along the lines of this 18th century Russian print -
(image from wikipedia)
I'll not be showing this to my cat. She's a sensitive soul.