U.S. And Allies Agree On Who Will Receive Aid In The Syrian Rebel Movement

U.S., Allies Agree On Standards For Which Opposition Groups In Syria Will Receive Aid -- Washington Post

The United States and its principal European and Arab allies have agreed on a unified way of providing Syrian rebel groups with aid, classifying them into those who should receive arms supplies and other assistance, those who are ineligible because of clear extremist ties, and those whose eligibility requires further discussion, according to U.S. and allied officials.

Along with new initiatives by the United States and others to increase weapons shipments, rebel training, intelligence and other support, the plan — set during a U.S.-led meeting of intelligence chiefs here last week — is designed to overcome divisions among governments that have been deeply split over which opposition groups to aid and what to supply.

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My Comment: While the U.S. and its allies are debating among themselves on what aid will the Syrian opposition groups receive .... the Iranians are stepping up their military shipments to the Syrian regime. It does not take an expert to figure out who will win in the end if this dithering on the part of the West continues.

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