From Angry Arab's chief correspondent in Turkey:
"During the first round of Geneva-II, Reuters leaked US congress secretly approved weapons flow to "moderate Syrian Rebels":
"During the first round of Geneva-II, Reuters leaked US congress secretly approved weapons flow to "moderate Syrian Rebels":
"Both U.S. and European officials said that 'moderate' rebels had recently consolidated their positions in the Syrian south, where they are pushing out elements linked to al-Qaeda. More militant factions remain dominant in the north and east."
But The Nation is more balanced in its reporting the US arming... According to The Nation, US move is to corner Assad in Geneva-II's second round:
“'From now until the next round of talks in Geneva, Assad will be under real pressure — he will feel more pressure from opposition forces,' a rebel field commander cited a US official as saying."
And the first videos of "Geneva-Horan operation" of "moderate rebels" uploaded. Check the 8th video (0:38), "Moderate rebels" (that were trained, armed and commanded by US operation room in Jordan) carry Al-Qaeda flag.