Every week I start out with good intentions. I plan not to buy any books because of the massive sizes of my review stack and TBR mountain. But....
Here is the story of the books I got this week. (I write this post Friday after work and schedule it for Sunday morning.)
On Feb. 2 I was reading Stacking the Shelves posts and notice that someone had acquired a copy of Dash of Peril by Lori Foster. I love Lori Foster and read the rest of the books in this series. So I headed right to NetGalley to learn that I had been auto-approved for this title. I had to add this March 25 release romantic suspense title to my stack.
On Feb. 3, a copy of The Professionals by Owen Laukkenen arrived in my mailbox at work. I had been offered the opportunity to read the fifth (sixth?) book in this series and declined because I hadn't read the earlier books. However, I thought the story sounded intriguing and bought a hard cover of the first book from Amazon Marketplace.
On Feb. 3, I got a autographed copy of Do or Die by Suzanne Brockmann in my mailbox at home. I loved the ARC when I read it and, when I found that I could buy an autographed copy from the author, I jumped at the chance. I don't think Suzanne Brockmann has come within 1000 miles of where I live and I have loved her books for years.
On Feb. 4, I had two more books from Amazon in my mailbox at work. Wild Things by Chloe Neill is the latest in the Chicagoland Vampires series. Carousel Sun by Sharon Lee adds the trade paperback to my keeper shelf. I have already read and reviewed the eARC and purchased a finished copy for my Kindle.
I also couldn't resist the Kindle Daily Deals on Feb. 5. I added thriller Warlord by Ted Bell and romance Girl in the Wild by Beth Orsoff to my "I'll read these someday" collection on my Kindle.
I follow Laura Anne Gilman's blog and recall when she was doing a Kickstarter campaign to fund the writing of a couple of urban fantasy stories set in her Retrievers and Paranormal Investigations universe but I lost track of it until I saw on a list I read that she was seeking funding through Kickstarter to do more stories. I went to Amazon and bought the first two stories - Promises to Keep and Miles to Go - and put in my pledge to fund the new stories too.
So much for not adding anything more to the TBR pile! What did you add to your stack this week?