MICHELLE'S PARANOIA RUNS WILD Michelle is pleased when she learns that Andrea and Lloyd spent the night together but when Steve rants to Michelle about Lloyd and Andrea’s closeness saying he’s been left with no one, how will Michelle take this hurtful news?
ANNA IS UNNERVED BY PHELAN Owen’s frantic when Phelan turns up at the yard and Anna rounds on him branding him a lying con man. But Owen’s left red faced when he later learns that Phelan had transferred the funds (there was a glitch at the bank) and a mortified Anna fears she may have jeopardised the whole deal. She decides to call on Phelan at his house to apologise for her outburst but will Phelan get other ideas?
TRACY CLAIMS SHE’S COOL WITHOUT ROB Rob tells Carla that he wants Tracy back. Carla thinks he’s mad but admits that Peter wants them to reunite too which Tina is intrigued to hear. But is Tracy already clearing Rob out of her life?
ELSEWHERE Stella orders Gloria to stop leading Dennis on, but enjoying the attention she insists it’s all harmless fun and Sophie tells Tim the game’s up and she knows Maddie was the intruder who hit him.
Coronation Street, FRIDAY 7TH FEBRUARY 2014 at 8.30pm
STEVE FEELS MICHELLE'S WRATH Steve squirms and insists to Michelle that he does not fancy Andrea and his jealousy stems from feeling he’s losing his two best mates. An upset Michelle makes Steve sleep on the sofa but when a curious Andrea sympathises, Steve admits it’s due to his jealousy of her and Lloyd. Will this prompt Andrea to admit her true feelings to Steve?
ANNA PUTS HER DOUBTS ABOUT PHELAN TO BED Anna’s alarmed when Phelan casually admits to making a play for her and when the Phelans join the Armstrongs in the Rovers, Anna feels on edge. Izzy senses that Anna’s stressed but will Anna admit Phelan made a pass at her?
TRACY FEARS SHE MAY HAVE PUSHED ROB TOO FAR Tracy’s shaken when Rob tears strips off her for selling his stuff and warns her he won’t spend his life apologising for one stupid mistake.
ELSEWHERE Sophie tells Tim that she thinks about Maddie all the time and Dennis is seething when Ritchie invites Gloria for a night on the town.
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