In Saudi Arabia it is not allowed to drink alcohol, therefore , the most famous drink is lemonade , keep in mind that the quality of the lemons in this land is excellent, (in Spain we can not complain about the quality of ours). It is a very refreshing drink ,especially in summer , but you can enjoy it all year long.
Ingredients (1.5 – 2 liters of lemonade)
• 5 large lemons.• 1 liter of water .• 100 g of sugar .• 2 grams of fresh mint leaves.
1. Squeeze lemons.2. Put the the squeezed lemons (and its pulp if desired) into a jug , be careful not to add any seed.
Add sugar and mint too.3. With a mixer mix all ingredients ( mint leaves will stay in small pieces ) .4. Put the jug into the fridge to cool it, drink it cold!.
My comments to the recipe :
It's an easy recipe and you achieve a great result.
I was afraid to add the mint, because the bunch I bought was very smelly and I thought the lemonade would only have the taste of mint ... on the contrary, the combination is perfect, I encourage you to try it!
Where to buy the ingredients :
I found fresh mint in one of the shops located in the Street Antonio Calvo , near Madrid's mosque .If you live in a different area and know where to buy mint , leave a comment indicating the place,this way, other readers in your area , city or country will know where to buy it.
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