I remember when I got this CD when it first came out I wore the crap out of this song. I loved this song and it was my theme song during Middle Song.
What is your full name as it appears on you birth certificate:
Hunter Ana Devon Collins
What do you like to be called: Hunter
What are your nicknames: Hunny, Pumpkin, Dazzle (college thing)
What is your alias? (Middle name, street you grew up on): Devon Screars
What’s your stripper/drag queen name? (Name of first pet, mother’s maiden name): Bear Rice
What’s your Mobster Nickname: Hunter "Firehose" Collins
What’s your Star Wars Nickname: Coler Ritus
What’s your Spell Check name (words that replace your name in spell check): None
Number of candles that appeared on your last birthday cake: Last one was 23
Date you were born: October 1, 1990
What’s your Sun sign: Libra
What’s your Moon sign: Aquarius
What’s your Constellation Rising: Idk
Notable Events on the Day You Were Born: Meteorite explode above Pacific Ocean
Parent’s names: Carlene Lewis-Rice and Mickeal Collins
Birthplace: Tuscaloosa, AL
Hometown: Eutaw,
Current Residence: Huntsville, Alabama
Height: 5′ 7.5"
Eye color: Blue
Hair color: Blonde
Piercings: 3
Tattoos: Thigh
What’s your most attractive feature: My eyes
Pets: Theo, London, Gustaf, Adi, Pi, and Rachel
What are the perks of your job: I get to do something I love with people who don't judge me.
How much do you love your job: A LOT.
Are you an inside or outdoors person? Inbetween
Do you have children? Pretty sure Rain counts at this point.
What Laundry detergent do you use? Gain and Tide
What color is your underwear: I have on neon pink with black polka dots on them.
Color of socks: White with owls on them.
What color is your bedroom’s carpet: I have hardwood with rugs that are pink, and zebra
What color is your bedroom: Pink and white
What color is your bathroom: Tan
What did you want to be when you were little? A farmer
Favorite childhood memory: I have a lot of favorites
When Was The Last Time You:
Took a shower: This morning
Danced: Last night with Vin.
Received flowers and from whom: This morning. Chris. Weird I know.
Watched Bambi: A year or so ago
Cried: Yesterday
Got a real letter: Two weeks ago
Gave to charity: Day before yesterday
What did you have for breakfast? Grilled Chicken and cheese covered hashbrowns
What was the last book you read: Fifth Avenue, 5 A.M. by Sam Wasson
What was the last CD you bought: Frozen Soundtrack
What was the last movie you saw: In theater: Frozen....Again Home? Father of the Bride II
What will be the next CD you buy: Beatles the US albums
Do you play the lottery: Yes a lot...
Ever win? Sometimes
From whom did you get your last e-mail? Pinterest
What are you listening to right now? Freaxxx - Brokencyde
Best thing that happened to you today: Shopping with Aunt Charlene, Dad, Emily, Vin, Scarlette and Little Lindy!
Any new and exciting news you’d like to share with everyone? Everyone in the whole is getting pregnant however, I'm over here going woohoo I just engaged pour the champagne!
What is Your Favorite:
Flavor: almond, vanilla, chocolate cinnamon, lemon, dill pickle, bbq, chipotle, hazelnut and cheese
Breakfast cereal: Lucky charms
Candy: 5th Avenue, Jolly Rancher, Cookie Dough Bites, and Reese's Pieces (And Dove Chocolate)
Salad Dressing: Ranch, thousand island, and strawberry vinaigrette
Food: Chicken prepared almost any way, ribs, fish, and wings
Cuisine: American!
Breakfast Food: Omelette, grits, biscuit n gravy, eggs, bacon, sausage with syrup, honeydew, oatmeal, pancakes, waffles, grilled chicken, salmon, :)
Pie: Apple and meat pie
Lunch: Whatever I want
Alcoholic beverage: Jack N Coke, gin, Alabama Slammer, and cotton candy martini
Type of Ice flavor: Cotton Candy, apple, banana, cherry, and coconut
Your favorite potato chip? Anything Golden Flake....
Favorite sandwich? #11 from Jimmy Johns or flatbread chipotle chicken
Ice cream: I love all except Mint Chocolate
Sobe flavor: Green tea
Soda: Dr. Pepper
Restaurant: Logan's, IHOP, Mugshots, The Melting Pot, T-Rex, Cracker Barrel and Outback
Fast Food Restaurant: Jimmy John's, Sonic, Chikfila, Arby's, Wendy's, Subway and Zaxby's
Toothpaste: Crest
Deodorant: Secret Clinical Strength
Shampoo or conditioner: Shampoo: Hahaha wayyyyyyy too many to name. Conditioner: Macadamia Natural Oil Deep Repair Masque, Redken Body Full Light Conditioner Anti-Gravity Conditioner
Perfume/cologne: Love Kills Slowly by Ed Hardy, Ma Cheri by Dior, anything by Britney Spears, Mariah Carey, and Jessica Simspon
Type of Underwear: Bikini, cheeky, and a couple of thongs
Shoes: Heels, booties, cowgirl boots, military boots, thigh boots, and wedges
Accessory: Bracelets, earrings, necklace, and hair piece
Possession: The wooden box of Harry Potter DVDs. I have all the collectors wands. Ummm my iPod, my ADpi paddle, My signed hoodie from A7X, and my signed cowboy hat from Luke Bryan, All of my Disney stuff
Clothes: Oh Gosh too many to name
Favorite brand of clothing? Ooooh Gosh ummmmm Idk lots of favorites....
Color: In order: Pink, rose gold, baby blue, green, brown, and red
Number: 8
Stone: DIAMOND for MANY MANY reasons
Holiday: Hands down, it’s Christmas and Halloween
Day of the week: Monday
Favorite time of day? Early night... I have the most energy then!
Flower: peonies and tulips
Smell: Men's cologne, fires, Coffee, Nutella, bread, tires (I know its weird), carved wood, honeysuckle,
Grade: college life
Subject in school: History
Teacher: Don't have a favorite teacher
Birthday Present Ever: Disney World trip
Fairy tale: Peter Pan or Sleeping Beauty
Poem(s): A Redneck Valentine's Day Poem
Type of music: COUNTRY, pop rock, oldies, swing, alternative, punk, oh, anything really.
Song(s): We'd be here a while
Song you love but are embarrassed to admit to: Rubber Duckie
Christmas Carol:This is Christmas - Kutless, Last Christmas, Jingle Bells, Silent Night, It's Beginning to Look alot like christmas,
Movie: Sweet Home Alabama and Legally Blonde
TV show: Designing Women
TV star: Ian Somerhalder
Magazine: All You
Celebrity: Blake Lively!!!!
Super Hero: Rogue
Fraggle: Mogluey
Sesame Street Character: Ernie
Zoo Exhibit: Monkeys
Favorite sport to watch on TV: football, baseball, softball,dance, gymnastics,
Sport to Watch at the game: All of the above plus, basketball,
Sports team: Dallas Cowboys, Alabama, Gryffindor House Team, Seattle Seahawks,
Car: Lexus Xi
Web Site: Pinterest
Amusement Park Ride: Splash Mountain, Kingda Ka, Tower of Terror, Toy Story Mania
What do you want for Christmas: I don't know right now.
If you were stranded on a desert island what book, album, and video would you want with you: Bible, a mixed cd and Frozen
Which store would you choose to max your credit card: Ummmmm Neiman Marcus EASILY or Sephora
If you could be any age, past, present, or future, what would it be: I'm happy right now or younger
If you could live in any decade in history, what would it be: 40s!
What childhood toy do you wish you still had: Babydoll
What movie makes you cry: Last Song, Brian's Song and Up!
What appliance could you not live without: Microwave
Your lucky charm: Lucky rabbit foot and Alabama underwear
The person you worship the most: My daddy
Your bedroom is like: A mixture of things
Favorite Places
Place to live: I wish I could live close to my family without having a ridiculous hot summer
Town to chill in/ Vacation spot: Orlando
Place to retire: North Carolina
Places you want to see but haven’t: Norway
What is Your Least Favorite:
Food: Pot roast
Cuisine: Mexican
School Subject: Science
The worst song you ever heard: There are several
Most embarrassing CD in your collection: Kidz Bop
Characteristic: Hypocritical people
Which Is Better:
Hot tubs or pools: Hot tubs
Diamonds or pearls? diamonds
TV or radio: Radio
Short or tall: Hmmm. Undecided.
Toilet paper over or underhand: Over
Coke or Pepsi: coke
Sprite or 7 Up: 7 up
Coffee or Coffee Ice Cream: Coffee
Creamy or crunchy peanut butter: Creamy
Croutons or Bacon Bits: both
What’s the right way to eat a Reese’s: Bite into it.
Does cheese go on the bumpy or flat side of the Ritz: flat
White or brown bread: white
Beavers or ducks? Ducks
Beatles or Elvis: Oooooo Crap I love both!
Who are the most attractive male and female celebrities: Ian Somerhalder and Blake Lively
Are you a morning person or a night owl? Night Owl
Disney or Warner Brothers: Disney
Pedicure or manicure? Pedi.
What first catches your eye in the opposite (or same) sex (ie, legs, boobs, etc): a Beautiful Face
What do you look for in a person: Intelligence, a strong sense of humor, a passion , and loyalty.
If you could be any place right now, where would you choose: Disney
Are you a dog or a cat person: Dog
Razor, cream, or wax: Razor and wax
Plane, train, or automobile: Plane and automobile
Car or SUV: SUV
Lake, Ocean or River: river
2 doors or 4 (on a car): 4
Childhood Blanket or Stuffed Animal: Blankie!
One pillow or two: 3
Which came first; the chicken or the egg? Egg
Do You Believe In…
Horoscopes: No
Past lives: No
Ouija boards: fun, but only a toy
Love at first sight: No, lust at first sight, yes
God: Yes
Religion: Christianity all the way
Aliens: Yes. I highly doubt God has this as the only "Earth"
Ghosts: Nope.
Evil: Yep. I can point it out, too.
Abortion: The way I see it if you did the deed on your own freaking live with it. If you got raped still give it up for adoption. If you can't afford yet again give it up for adoption! There is no reason for it at all.
Alternative music: Love
Do you love yourself: Yep.
Does life have a meaning: yes.
Do you know what it is: I'm learning it one day at a time
Is honesty the best policy: Ideally yes. Realistically, no. Sometimes you have to tell people their haircut is wonderful.
Are you the jealous type: Not really. I let a lot roll off my back
What’s your pet peeve: Being rushed, questions that are unnecessary, and loopholes!
What are you afraid of: Not doing exactly what God wants me to do while I'm on this Earth
Forgive and forget or hold a grudge: Depends on the person and what happened.
Where do you see yourself in 10 years: House wife, married, 5 kids, enjoying my life
Most annoying thing is: There is a list of people that fit that, grumpy cat and ignore buttons
What is your motto: Do justly, love mercy, walk humbly with your God..
Who do you look up to: Daddy
Life Statement: Golden Rule
What Stuff Do You Do?
What kind of work do you do: Teach and business.
Do you cleanse your house: Yes
What are you listening to right now: Play
What is your favorite solitary activity: Hunting, reading, cooking and shopping
What do you do most often when you are bored: Pin, organize, and sleep
Word or phrases you overuse: "creepy" "I know right!" "Noooo" "Freakay"
Hobbies: Reading, Hunting, stretching, driving, writing, playing the guitar, dancing, painting, singing, video games, cooking, paintball, and drawing
Bedtime: 12 a.m. I’d like to to be 11 p.m. but that rarely happens
Have You Ever…
What was the name of your first best friend: Edwin
What was the name of your summer camp: I had several
Do you remember the camp song: There are several camp songs
Been toilet-papering: yes
Been Ding-dong-ditching: No
Been toilet-papered: Yes boy was my daddy pissed...
What was your first job: Store clerk
How many times did you fail your permit or driver’s test: Permit? Twice Driving test: None
How old were you when you had your first kiss: 19 or 23 whichever way you like to look at it. It was the same person either way.
Most romantic thing that ever happened to you: Vin took me back to the baseball field and sang to me.
How many people have you kissed romantically: 1
Can you remember all of their names: Yes
Been in love before: Yes
How many times: 1
Dumper or Dumpee: Neither
Loved somebody so much it made you cry: yes
Ever fell in love at first sight: No
Ever been on a blind date: No
Ever been cheated on: Yes
Ever cheated: No.
Ever had sex in a public place: No
Most humiliating moment: I have several.
Have you ever gone skinny dipping: Yes
Played strip poker: Yes
Lied: Yep.
Paid for it: Oh yes.
Cheated on a test: Yes
Run away from home: No,
Broken the law: Yes.
Ever ridden in a police car: Sat in one
been arrested: No
been convicted of a crime: No
Ever ridden in an ambulance: Yes
Have you ever been in a car crash: Once
When was your last hospital visit: couple of days ago
Ever broken a bone: No
Ever been in a fistfight: Yes...
Had a medical emergency: Yup a lot
Gotten beaten up: No
Ever seen a dead body: Yes
Ever seen a ghost: In movies and at the Haunted Mansion
Been to Africa: Yes on mission trips
Have you ever seen a black swan: Nope.
What was your most embarrassing hair incident: I don't know
What was the best costume you ever wore: Tinkerbelle
Which of your accomplishments in the last year are you most proud of: International Teaching Council, planning my own Disney trip, and my career.
What do you hope to have accomplished in the next year: Work hard in school and put as much as I can into life
What Would You Name Your…
Future home: Country Highlight
Kids:Luke Bryan, Anna, Kristoff,
Future Pets: I don't know
Car: Beyond
Self: I like my name
People In My Life
Who are your best friends:Carolina, Vin, Chris, Odette, Mary Ann, Jessica, dad, aunt Charlene, Emily, Charlene Maria, Julie, Ariel and Lillian
Who you chat with most: Chris, Jessica, Vin, Maria, Ariel, Odette, Wayne, and Edwin
Name the person that you are friends with that lives the farthest away: Ariel
Say a nice thing about the person you miss the most:
Craziest/silliest person you know: Crazies? Elle or Carolina
Do you get along with your parents: My dad and his new wife yup. I don't have a mother.
What color is the underwear of the person next to you: Vin has on black undies.
Who did you last tell you loved them: Vin
Last person you went to dinner with? Dad, Charlene, Vin, and Scarlette
What food does your grandma cook better than anyone else: Chili
Who has been your friend the longest: Carolina and Edwin
Does it feel nice that someone told you all this stuff about themselves: Pretty cool.
Does it feel nice that someone wants to know so much about you: Lol yeah