We relay this public meeting will be held Sunday afternoon, about the struggles against
gentrification, especially in Saint-Denis. It will be held at the Autonomous Social Centre
Atti?k?, which the activists of the CGA in the Paris region, instead of life and political
activity, occupied since October to organize face to hunt poor conducted jointly
participate by local authorities (mayor of Saint-Denis FdG and urban community Plaine
Commune) and the State. Face to Owners, merchants of sleep and authorities who organize
anti-poor urban renovation, let nombreu-x-its! Organize ourselves to resist! ---- (The
call leaflet is downloadable right of this page)
---- Public meeting of the collective "Wound City" Sunday, February 2 at St Denis in
autonomous social center Atti?k? occupied building, 31 boulevard Saint Denis Sembat (or
Gare de Saint Denis Porte de Paris M?tro 13) from 14h 30.
"Our goal is to repossess the shops. At the same time we put social diversity in
buildings, we want the diversity of businesses [...] We do not want streets, neighborhoods
where 60-70% of businesses are sandwich, of payphones and hairdressers 10 francs "
It is through these words that Stephen Few, First Deputy Chairman of Housing and Habitat
Plaine Commune, Thursday, Nov. 21 qualified local shops in the station of Saint-Denis.
With successive urban renewal plans and since the launch of the Renovation Plan of the
town center ( PNRQAD ) in 2010, the willingness of the authorities (mayor, urban
community, state ...) is clear: On the pretext of fighting against unsafe and renovate
housing, transport and shops, they operate a profound change in population:
Evictions are increasing, throwing many people on the street without alternative
Unlike announcement effects of politicians, renovation plans are accompanied by a decrease
in the number of public housing available to lower income.
At La Plaine, the headquarters of large companies replace industries and executives from
Paris replace older workers expropriated.
A by-law, renewed for one year, banned 70 shops in the neighborhood of the station open
after 20 hours. It is a real curfew choking traders.
In all districts, the same logic is at work: changing the face of Saint-Denis chasing the
poorest populations.
Facing contempt class displayed by the mayor and to the legitimate concerns of the
population of inhabitants. es are organized. A building left empty for two years, has been
occupied since the month of October by a group that is now a dwelling, organization and
Face the problems of housing and urban renewal policies, the collective wound City
organizes a meeting to exchange our information and devise strategies of struggle.
Come and numerous Sunday, February 2 at 14:30 at 31 bd Sembat, St Denis, occupied building .
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» (en) France, Coordination of Anarchist Groupes - Paris Region - Housing Social Struggles - In St. Denis and elsewhere, who benefits from urban renewal? (fr)