Appointment at 11:30 Jaude square against the commoditization of speech and right-wing
violence. ---- Tract collective fight against the far right 63 which includes the group of
clermont-ferrand: ---- NO trivialization SPEECH AND VIOLENCE EXTREME RIGHT! ---- A
deafening silence around the fascist bombing of Clermont-Ferrand Friday, January 17 in
Clermont-Ferrand, 2 people were affected (including 1 with complications) by firing a
firearm during a concert support undocumented. The author of this aggression, openly
fascist activist, was sentenced to two years in prison for aggravated farms immediately
after court appearance violence. The weapon and accomplices have not been found, and
further investigation seems abandoned ...
The proliferation of right-wing violence in France
However, for several years now, racist, anti-Semitic attacks, homophobic and transphobic
perpetrated by right-wing activists continue to occur in almost all major cities. In
Clermont-Ferrand, threats, intimidation, degradation have increased until the aggression
of 17 January, and we are still awaiting the results of the investigation into the arson
Minimes Church or were refugees foreign homeless in September.
A social context and toxic policy
This resurgence of the extreme right, either at the polls or in the street, said. The
lessons of history allow us to clearly incriminate austerity policies induced by the deep
crisis of capitalism. Unemployment, precariousness and poverty create the conditions for a
social disarray in which engulfed the extreme right.
Also, every year the speech was originally confined to the extreme right of the political
spectrum sphere spread to the left. Racist are no longer confined to a few nostalgic Vichy
isolated. Successive governments now lead an extremely harsh and inhumane immigration
policy, and the Minister of the Interior suggested that the Roma were unable to integrate!
We would like to recall a fact that some today and some want to forget: it is neither the
immigrant-es, or dismissing the Roma, reduce wages, pensions break or increase prices,
particularly those of rents!
Reject the fascist barbarism resurfaces today in our streets or unmarked or worse
Refuse the logic of the scapegoat!
Reject everything that makes the soil of the extreme right!
To combat the extreme right: solidarity against austerity!
Anti-fascism Clermont-Ferrand
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