When the right to abortion disappears or is more difficult to access, abortions do not
disappear, women dying and suffering. Libertarian Alternative manifest February 1 with
other feminists France in support of Spanish women fighting and defending the right to
free abortion, free and secure worldwide. ---- In December, the reactionaries have
rejected the European Parliament the Estrela report which planned to give the same right
to abortion and contraception in all countries. He claimed that "the quality abortion
services be made ??legal, safe and accessible to all within the public health systems of
the Member States, including non-resident women". ---- December again, the Spanish
government began work on a bill that would eliminate the right to abortion , the limiting
cases of reported rape and danger to the mother evidenced by two doctors. It would also
restore parental consent for minors. Spanish women came into struggle.
In Paris, the demonstration of anti-abortion January 19 was supported by the pope who made
??"to achieve the assurance of his spiritual closeness and prayer" and give "willingly his
apostolic blessing" . Fran?ois Hollande, instead of asking him not to interfere with the
rights of women, went to him and almost risettes allegiance.
Only positive, the French level, the necessity of "distress" should disappear from the law
. It will be in accordance with real life: the only reason for abortion is necessary not
want the pregnancy begins. The reasons underlying this concern only the woman.
So, some UMPistes filed an amendment (overwhelmingly rejected, and they they are not even
all come vote!) Proposing the delisting of abortion.
In February, the Swiss vote on the same theme. Conservative parties submit a referendum
for the delisting of abortion.
The right to abortion, such as contraception, is not considered an absolute right to every
economic crisis, every change of government ... men feel entitled to the challenge. Thus,
the progressive destruction of public hospital service by depriving means leads to an
increasing difficulty of access, which ends in some areas being banned for the poorest.
When the right to abortion disappears or is more difficult to access, abortions do not
disappear, women dying and suffering.
Libertarian Alternative manifest February 1 with other feminists France in support of
Spanish women fighting and defending the right to free abortion, free and secure worldwide.
A Paris: start of the event Joffre up to 14 hours in the direction of the Embassy of Spain;
elsewhere: information site MFPF .
Defend the right to free abortion!
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