(en) France, Alternative Libertaire AL #236 - Presidential ads: Holland offers a pact of love MEDEF (fr, pt)

At his press conference, the President proposed the bosses a "pact of responsibility." 
Fillon Borloo and applaud. Gattaz seeks clarification. And workers will still have to pay! 
---- Fran?ois Hollande announced at its press conference on January 14 a "pact of 
responsibility": elimination of family contributions against promises of hiring. Bosses 
welcomed the announcement but lay their conditions. 35 billion of cuts they are well over 
20 billion provided by the tax credit competitive employment (CICE)? As promised jobs (up 
to a million!), It goes without saying that it can not be commitments but only targets ... 
---- Their CFDT, CGT, FSU and Unsa side in a joint statement issued on the eve of the 
conference, demanded "the conditionality of aid and tax exemptions to companies 
implementing objectives of economic investment and social investment: job creation, 
qualification of employees, dynamic wage policies."

They are therefore prepared to support the proposal Observatory counterparties, made by 
Holland. But not to fight the same principle facts bosses gifts! Finally, it is not clear 
how these new exemptions will be funded, the principle is set: the government expenditure, 
local authorities, social insurance and public services will be reduced.

Salary socialized to state charity

The disappearance of social contributions to finance family allowances accelerates the 
destruction of the social pact from Liberation. Employer contributions are the social 
wage. They allowed an additional fixed income for many families. Originally, the 
management of these funds is made jointly between unions and employers. The taxation 
returns supporting families to state charity. Certainly Rocard had already started the job 
as the CSG and other taxes already fund a third of family allowances. But the maneuver 
Holland buried principle reduces the indirect wage and opens the way to a future increase 
in VAT or CSG to offset the shortfall.

On the left, the hostility displayed until some leaders left the PS. Several trade union 
confederations have made statements condemning the project. CGT will include the topic in 
its day of action scheduled for Feb. 6 on wages and employment. But the day itself is not 
unproblematic. Despite apprehension by Partners at national level, the CGT leadership 
obviously did not seek to expand the mobilization of radical bases. Instead, it emphasizes 
the unity displayed by the statement of January 14, preparing the day of action of the 
European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) on April 4. However, locally, the CGT teams are 
looking to make a real day on February 6th fight and reach out to unions available. 
Internal debates in the CGT, unveiled on the issue of signing of the agreement on 
vocational training that the national leadership wanted to sign, will be rich of twists 
between the supporters of unionism and fight those who seek "modernity "side of social 

Jean-Yves (AL 93)

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