Each month, a word or phrase vetted by Jean-Yves ---- Conspiracy theories, also called
conspiracy theory is definable as little as rebuttable. It's a bit like trying to prove
that Santa Claus does not exist. There are indeed many conspirationnismes that supposed
conspiracies of the small-time plot assumed illuminate a specific historical episode to
cosmic conspiracy integrating the Martians, explaining the history of the universe. If the
highest degree of delirium reached its climax in the wildest sects, rhetorical and
psychological motives are ultimately the same. ---- In all cases, conspiracy theories
trying to convince that what happens in history and society is based on covert action of
some group that defends interests to world domination.
In this, and even if exposes "secret" very real particular social group, philosophical or
religious through lobbies, state secrets and other organizations services activity,
conspiracy theories is our intellectual enemy. Its assumption is that the activity of some
hidden initiated es enough to govern men. We believe instead that societies evolve not
because of the action of some minorities (whether reactionary or revolutionary, actually),
but through the clash of social classes.
One of the first conspiracy books is the book of Barruel (1798) denouncing the action of
the Freemasons in the French Revolution. Book that denies the historical process of
destroying a parasitic feudal class, the aristocracy, by rising bourgeois class, leaving
only police and reactionary vision of history. And it's always the same pattern at work.
We could play that conspiracy (also known es "conspis") often combine modern American
government and the Jews, who were always at the center of their concerns. Because in that
they are... children of American culture that the myth of the lone hero fighting injustice
and lying government fulfills movies and series. It might also be fun and wacky paranoid
theories the internet multiplies to infinity. But the links between the various currents
of the extreme right and "conspis" remind us that it is not vulgar jokes. And that
designating guilty personally responsible for all ills, they divert the anger and prevent
resistance to organize.
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