Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials -- February 21, 2014

At Stake In Ukraine's Drama Is The Future Of Putin, Russia And Europe -- Timothy Garton Ash, The Guardian

Ukraine may yet show us that the default model of revolution has changed to one of negotiated transition

Beyond the burning barricades and the corpses in the streets, here are five big things that are at stake in Ukraine's insurrectionary drama. They mean that what happens in Ukraine will affect not just the Ukrainians, but also Russia, Europe and our sense of what makes a revolution.

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Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials

A Good Deal for the Ukrainian Opposition -- Max Boot, Commentary

Fascism, Russia, and Ukraine -- Timothy Snyder, New York Review Of Books

Kremlin aggravated Ukraine crisis but won't intervene, analysts say -- Carol J. Williams, LA Times

From sea of flags to rivers of blood: How Kiev peaceful protest turned into Maidan mayhem -- RT

Rubin: In Ukraine and Syria, Vladimir Putin wants to work with dictators -- Trudy Rubin, National Iinterest

Seven Reasons Putin Won't Give Up Ukraine -- Peter Coy, Bloomberg Businessweek

Putin's Olympic corruption -- Ilan Berman, USA Today

Why U.S. should care about Syria crisis -- Nader Hashemi, Special to CNN

The grinning generals who highlight flaws in our Afghanistan exit strategy -- Rob Crilly, Daily Telegraph

Chinese fume over Obama-Dalai Lama meeting. Will there be blowback? -- Peter Ford, Christian Science Monitor

Singapore’s Foreigner Problem -- Mark Fenn, The Diplomat

Venezuela: the Left´s favorite´socialist paradise´ is sliding into poverty and dictatorship -- Tim Stanley, The Telegraph

The College-Town Sexual Assault That Sparked the Venezuelan Violence -- Emiliana Duarte, New Republic

Venezuela's protests: The who, what, and why -- David Smilde, Christian Science Monitor

Understanding the Protests in Ukraine and Venezuela -- Dalibor Rohac and Juan Carlos Hidalgo, CATO

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