Ecology and chemistry, history and new development: From A. Lavoisier, L. Pasteur, J.B. Lamarck to V.I.Vernadsky, K. Khailov, M.M.Telitchenko, S.A. Ostroumov, .... and G. Duca.
Topics: chemical ecology, biochemical ecology.
Akademos, Number 4 (31), 2013, p.77-81. ( in Romanian / Moldovan).
Text of the paper online free:
English translation see below.
Publisher of the journal (ISSN 1857-0461): Academy of Sciences of Moldova. Site of the journal:
Affiliation of the author: Institute of Ecology and Geography, Academy of Sciences of Moldova (Institute of Ecology and Geography of Academy of Sciences of Moldova [ASM])
Published in the journal :
Akademos, Number 4 (31 ), December 2013, p.77 - 81 .
key words, in short:
background factors, chemical ecology, ENVIRONMENT;
Member of Academy of Sciences of Moldova (ASM)
Professor Dr. I. DEDIU
[Institute of Ecology and Geography of ASM (Academy of Science of Moldova) ]
Abstract/ Summary.
[The text is a result of a computer translation, with imperfections]:
This review paper analyzed the genesis and the evolution of the concepts related to chemical factors in the environment. The scientific study of these factors has been initiated by: A.-L. Lavoisier, Louis Pasteur, J.B. Lamarck, Justus von Liebig, continuing with Victor Shelford, W. P. Taylor, E. Rubel, W. Tischler, P. Williams, B. Harborne, M. Barbier, Sergei A. Ostroumov, Mikhail M. Telitcenko, Kirill M. Khailov, et al. As a result, these scientists created two areas of science, namely, Biochemical Ecology and Environmental Chemistry. The science of biochemical ecology started in Moscow in 1986 with the book 'Introduction to Biochemical Ecology' ( Vvedenie v biohimičeskuju èkologiju 1986; Moscow University Press; Polish edition: Wprowadzenie do ekologii biochemicznej, 1992). In the Republic of Moldova, the science of ecological chemistry started in Moldovan State University, at the end of the 1980s, being its founders Professor A.Ia. Siciov and academician Gheorghe Duca. Currently, the academician Gheorghe Duca successfully leads the national school of ecologic chemistry.
Keywords: genesis, chemical factors, biochemical ecology, ecological chemistry, ecology, biochemistry, chemistry, history of science, biogeochemistry.

Justus Freiherr von Liebig (12 May 1803 – 18 April 1873) was a German chemist who made major contributions to agricultural and biological chemistry, and worked on the organization of organic chemistry.

Louis Pasteur ( December 27, 1822 – September 28, 1895) was a French chemist and microbiologist renowned for his discoveries of the principles of vaccination, microbial fermentation and pasteurization.

Gheorghe Duca:
This is the text of the paper, translated by computer (with imperfections and mistakes of computer translation; this text could be considered as an extended list of key words):
Chemical components of the environment of particular interest to modern ecology. This concern has a history of over 200 years , when one of the founders of chemistry as a science, Antoine Laurent Lavoisier (1743 - 1794) , in 1792, presented to Scientific French Academy his work "Circling of [chemical ] elements on Earth". The very title and content of the report shows that surprisingly this French author was not only a great chemist, but also one of the first ecologists in the world (where the ecology as a science had no name). Lavoisier said it in a short and clear way: "The plants are in ambient air, water and all nature substances necessary for life. The animals feed with plants or other animals, so that, finally, substances, which are part of their bodies are taken from the air and mineral kingdom. Then , due to fermentation , the decomposition of and combustion of these substances, they return to the atmosphere and the mineral world, where they borrowed ... " [this is not a literal translation]. In fact, Lavoisier was the scientist who discovered and described the biotic circling of chemical elements in nature. Further the French author wonders ( not rhetoric) : " In what ways nature performs this amazing circling of substances between the three kingdoms [ minerals, plants and animals]?" And he answers: " Because combustion and fermentation are how to turn to the kingdom of mineral materials where you extracted to create plants and the animals, their development must be reverse phenomenon combustion and fermentation ... ".
Louis Pasteur in his report on achievements of chemical and biological sciences ("The role of fermentation in nature "), noticed the Lavoisier 's research , particularly with regard to the division of the phenomenon of continuity life on Earth that is reduced to three functional organic constituent elements: producers , consumers and decomposers. In this context of the genesis of the surrounding nature sciences, we subscribe to the opinion of G. S. Rozenberg (2004) who wrote that, if there had not been the guillotine of the Great French Revolution, today we would have begun the history of ecologicy with the name of A.L. Lavoisier, as he was the first who perceived not only just importance of chemicals in plant and animal life, but also their ecological role in biotic world, about 150 years in anticipation of appearance of V.I. Vernadsky biogeochemistry (1926). The famous French naturist at the beginning of XIX century, J.B. Lamarck (1744 - 1829), in his "Hydrogeology" ( 1802 ) asked (with pioneering character): are particularly influential the living organisms on substances and components of the earth's crust? are the results of this particularly significant?
J.B. Lamarck (1744 - 1829):
Here is the answer: "...the influence of living organisms on these substances is enormous and multifaceted ...", taking into account , first, accumulates biosediments the earth's crust from generation to generation (Ghegamean, 1981, p. 78, quoted by Rozenberg, 2004, p.23).
At stake is not just simple references, but finding key prolegomena to a new are of science. As V.I. Vernadsky (1965) concluded, Lamarck was the first ( in the context of living organisms particularly influential on the earth's crust ) who was the closest to the modern concept of the biosphere... Lamarck was the French natural genius who, among other achievements, developed the first hypothesis (of materialistic character, sometimes naive, sometimes even wrong ) on the evolution of the organic world (see Lamarck,1809). Continuation of this line of thought was the work of the great Russian naturalist ("the last of the Mohicans of classical naturalism ") Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky (1863-1945). He, drawing the fundamental conceptualization of the biosphere (dominant today in the world scientific literature), formulated the fundamental principles ( postulates ) of biogeochemistry, all of them based on and connected with his other work - his book on geochemistry.
In this context, we will not forget to mention the German school of chemists (better to say, agrochemists ) Justus von Liebig founded (1803 - 1873) . He was the second after Lavoisier , of the chemists who were very close to ecology (which did not exist as such). He formulated the theory of circling of carbon ( C ) and nitrogen ( N ) in nature. In 1840, Justus von Liebig discovered and formulated the law of the minimum: the substance found in the environment at minimum amounts determined during harvest volume (crop plants ), as referring to the author ( by unilateral fact - noted n.) only chemical factors plant nutrition.
Subsequently, Liebig 's law was extended to other environmental factors such as, for example, temperature, time etc. (see Shelford , 1913 ; 1915 , Taylor 1934, Tischler , 1949, etc.) . Moreover, another German agrochimist A. Mitscherlich ( 1909 , 1921) , together with B. Baule (1918 ) discovered and formulated action law combined ( combined effect ) of ecological factors ( Mitscherlich 's Law - Baule ) , as a consequence law of synergism between chemical factors , that an environmental factor (not just chemical ) other factors may be particularly influential bodies or requirements under certain environmental conditions .
Mathematically , this phenomenon can be expressed in the following form: production (e.g., the productivity of crops) γ depends not only on a single environmental factor (such would be consistent with Liebig 's minimum law ) , as he is limiting or adjusted , and the whole assembly factors that interact according to the formula γ ═ γ( x1 , x2 , x3 ... xn ), where x1 , x2 , x3 ... are ecological factors. It has been shown experimentally that such dependence increased production of organisms (population, ecosystem, biosphere) , depending on the concentration (size ) of environmental factors (e.g ., addition of nutrients) , there is logarithmic, notlinear . The positive effect of the action as factor becomes more obvious as the concentration factor that is lower (in relation to the physiological necessity of organisms) . Similarly, applying the methodology of systemic (holistic , or integral ) action of factors of environmental chemicals on ecosystems allowed the discovery of other environmental laws - the Law action relative to the limiting factors formulated Lundegard H. (1954 ) growth curve shape bioproductivity depends not only a factor (active) in the minimum quantity , and also on other factors. This means, also in terms of holistic vital that the environment of ecological systems operate as a well integrated whole ( synergy ) factors (limiting ) called the Lundegard "Liebig system" or " L - system " (after Poletaev ) . intensity ment as ecological metabolism of living and the environment depends on flux of atoms of chemical element that is found in minimal concentrations of the " L " individual success ( population a species ) in its habitat is determined interactions between (bio) chemical components of this system.
We mention two environmental laws : 1 . Compensation law relative deficit of factors or Rubel 's Law (1930 ) that the absence or deficit of a factor (usually of a substance biogenic) of habitat or body and can be offset (replaced) with equivalent factor ( functionally close ). 2. Law [...] absolute ecofisiologically fundamental factors (solar, carbon dioxide , nutrients , water, oxygen) ... V. R. Williams (1949).
As demonstrated in these and other laws autecologiei basic chemistry of the environment priority in relationships ( interdependencies ) body system - habitat, biocenosis - biotope and so on , on the one hand , the system provides habitat living matter and chemical information of vital importance for everyday life , on the other hand , as ments living environment influenţează by their exometabolites operation process ( creation and operation ecological niches) . Just in these interrelationships and interactions issue constituted research, [ ...] ( paradigms ) scientific question. The first ( oldest ) appeared geochemistry , and then descending thereof, biogeochemistry - the science of role of living organisms in circling of chemical elements - which was
founded by V. I. Vernadsky in the early 1920s (1924 , 1926) of the XX century.
Here I should point out that Vernadsky's biogeochemical paradigm of the biosphere , set about 100 years ago, was disputed by some scientists; but the affirmative and expressed confi most scientists who study the biosfere in the world. But there are some uncertain issues on the definitions in particular reference to the objects of study of two related research areas: chemical ecology (biochemical ) and ecologic chemistry . We will try to make more clear the thicket of terminology and semantic thereof. Frenchman M. Barbier (1976) was the first who managed to synthesize all that was known to him about chemical interactions between organisms (plants and animals) and the environment in a very successful monograph titled 'Introduction to l'ecology chimique' (Introduction to Chemical Ecology) . A year later the work appears by Englishman B. Harborne (1977), titled 'Introduction to Ecological Biochemistry'.
Improving the definition of M. Barbier, Dr. Sergei A. Ostroumov (M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University) in his book 'Introduction to Biochemical Ecology' (1986) found that chemical interactions put forward by the French author can be of two types:
(1) interactions performed using substances and molecules that function as sources of energy and matter and (2) interactions made of chemical molecules that function exclusively or mainly as intermediaries informational ( biosemiotic messengers ) or ecological regulators of processes of energy and material transfer in ecosystems.
Moscow State University:
It is important to note the study of relations of the second type , which refers to the biochemical ecology as they are subject of the environmental sciences. When they do not cover many issues particularly influential on abiotic components ( if our chemical ) habitat ( biotope) , for example elements of mineral nutrition of plants. Substances within the competence of ( topics, scope of interest to) biochemical ecology are present in the environment or in the organisms producing them in smaller amounts than the necessary substances which are used as sources of energy / construction materials . These are the so-called exometabolites or exocrine substances (hormones environment) that B.A. Bycov (1988) calls them [ ...] secondary metabolites. In one way or another, exometabolites , which are permanently present in the biotic environment , play very important roles: the roles of ecological chemomediators, chemoeffectors and chemoregulators [these concepts and innovative terminology were suggested by Dr. Sergei A. Ostroumov (1986) ] organic all natural and anthropogenic ecosystems. The issues of environmental pollution linked to detoxification and degradation of pollutants are also a part of biochemical ecology of priority concerns, as it is emphasized in the book of Dr. S.A. Ostroumov (1986). So the basic subject of chemical ecology (biochemical ecology) is the study of the interrelationships between organisms that takes place with the help of chemicals, which perform the informational and regulators in all ecological processes .The fundamental object of the environmental sciencesis the specific substances that meet mediating functions / regulatory (biosemiotic) in intrabiocenotic relations . These substances exercise many functions: trofic functions and are participating [...] in vital biochemical reactions.
Dr. Sergei A. Ostroumov rightly believes that substances involved in the biochemical reactions that addressed as components of systems environmental co-executor and messengers of ecological processes in the Earth's biosphere . The main difference is the crux of biochemical ecology and biochemistry as related sciences, but partially distinct . Here we specify that biochemistry studying the same substance as biochemical ecology, but outside the ecological perspective. Dr. Sergei A. Ostroumov, one of the founders of biochemical ecology in Russia (with K. M. Hailov, 1961 , 1981; M. M. Telitcenko , 1971 , 1982; et al.) , which we associate ourselves, is right in that ecobiochimical research is an obvious priority of contemporary ecology and environmental sciences [...]. Another area , which also deals with the study of elements ( molecules ) and substances in chemical environment is ecologic chemistry . This, Gheorghe Duca (2012 , p. 120 ) has the object of research processes that determine the composition and chemical properties of the environment [...] meaning that in one way or another, there is influence positive negative [...] living organisms. The chemical composition of the habitat (biotope) ecological systems is mainly determined constitute factors of the substrate in the geographical area that ( Landscape ) in question. Under these environmental circumstances, living organisms (biocenotic components) find molecules and strictly necessary biogenic substances (H2O , CO2, N, P , K , amino acids , trace elements, etc.) under conditions of biotope pollution with toxic substances. Living organisms (biocenotic components) react appropriately, in accordance with the laws of ecotoxicology and [...].
In addition, within the scope of ecologic chemistry is performed research on physico-chemical kinetic components indigenous or non-indigenous natural chemical (polluting and / or toxic ) environment of concrete , thus contributing to the development of principles general theoretical chemistry . It is in this context, the development and strengthening new scientific field ( interference between chemistry and ecology ) at the Moldova State University (MSU) , and the Academy of Sciences of Moldova (ASM ) developed a new field of research, namely, ecologic chemistry. Its beginnings coincided with the convocation of the State University Schools in City of Chisinau first ( conference ) Union entitled "Ecologic chemistry of the aquatic environment" ( 24 -26 October 1985) . Basic essay presented by physico - chemist Professor A. Ia. Sâciov [Sychev], "Introduction to ecologic chemistry" and the definitions proposed this field of research : "Science on pollution by anthropogenic chemicals, and their transformation mechanisms in the biosphere. " The definition was supported by other participants at the conference, e.g ., A. L. Purmal, Gheorghe Duca, O. S. Travin, Iu . I. Skurlatov and others.
Thus was born, at the Faculty of Chemistry of Moldova State University, the national school of ecologic chemistry, including the Department of industrial and environmental chemistry , in addition to it be held that research specialization students and doctoral students who continue [...] successful so far. After the death of Prof. A. Ia. Sâciov (Prof. A. Sychev), as the head of the Moldovan school of ecologic chemistry - logically and legally - stood his disciple: Academician, Professor George Duca, whose contribution to the development of concerned is undeniable, well known beyond the borders of our country. Not only the series of monographs and manuals (see bibliography at the end of present work) has certainly entered the "knowledge heritage" internationally.
Scientific work that academician Gheorghe Duca is crowned his exceptional "Multilingual Dictionary of Ecologic Chemistry" (2012 ) , which is the first of its kind and represents unique, useful for schools, students, graduate students, PhD specialists, for all who are interested in the issues of chemical factors and chemical pollution of the environment (water, soils , atmosphere, biota itself, food and so on) . However, we evoke and editorial success and printing of Encyclopaedic Research Institute of ASM (Academy of Science of Moldova), led by Dr. C. Manolache .
Finally, we summarize that the substances, molecules , chemical elements can and should be is addressed detailed ( comprehensive ) monitored regularly the triangle formed by a biogeochemical side , Another biochemical third - physico-chemical , centerind be busy in their interactions with living systems environment, because:
1. Living systems using chemical elements their daily life , transform biochemical and biogeochemical , guiding them through trophic chains ( food webs ) [....] geochemical and stores them in the form the organic deposits and "inert organic" (soil , marine sediments, and rocks ... ), deposits organogenic (coal, oil , gas, shale) etc.
2. Chemical itself , the first the biogenic, if falling in biotic circuits due reducing organisms are transformed into elements ( molecules) simpler by following flowchart : habitat ( biotope ) → acceptor → biomass of organisms; Reducing bodies created → mortmass → →elements ( molecules) → elementary chemical systems. Photosyntetic organisms and chemosynthetic organisms → biomass→ mortmass → elements ( molecules) elementary→ biogenic habitat ... The biotic cycling closes, then opens again ... ad infinitum ... But this circling has a permanent place only under natural conditions, without the brutal intervention of anthropogenic activities. The study of these biochemical and biogeochemical issues directly involved two areas of ecology: biochemical ecology and biogeochemistry .
3. Circuit element(s) of chemical you may change all or part if the biosystem- hit items in chemical alien pollutant / degrading / toxic . to fundamental resolution of these problems occur , than biochemical ecology and ecologic chemistry, ecotoxicology and saproecologia .
4. In all three cases the focus researchers put first be alive (living system) in interrelations: living substance ↔ chemical environment ; elements (molecules) this relationship - positive or negative direct or indirect - involved in proper functioning of ecological processes for so they ( relations and consequences ) will be developed within the laws of general ecology , where appropriate, resortingis and laws of chemistry .
5. It is obviously that is is necessary to have a further collaboration ( interaction ) between the ecologists and chemists, taking as fundamental object of study chemical elements / substances in the context of the interactions: ecobiochimic ↔ chimioecologic.
1 . Barbier M. Introduction a l' ecology chimique. Publishers: Masson , Paris, 1976.
2 . Bykov B. A. Ekologhiceskii slovari . Publishers: Nauka AN Kaz. SSP, Alma -Ata , 1988, 247 p.
3. Dediu I. Theoretical Ecology Treaty. Publishers : Ed " Phoenex", City of Chisinau, 2007, 558 p.
4. Dediu I. Ecology Encyclopedia. Publishers : Publishing House "Science", Chisinau, 2010 , 835 p.
5. Dediu I. Axiomatic principles and laws of Ecology. Publishers : Publishing House "Science" , Chisinau, 2010, 215 p.
6. Gheorghe Duca. Kinetica himiceskih prevraşenii v vodnâh ekosistemah . In: Ecologhiceskaia Himiya Vodnoi Sredy, Moskva , 1988 , p. 95-109 .
7. Gheorghe Duca, Skurlatov I., Matthew A., M. Macoveanu. Ecologic Chemistry. Bucharest, 1999.
8. Gheorghe Duca, Skurlatov Iu. I., Sychev A. Ia. Redox catalysis and ecological chemistry. EC USM, Chisinau, 2002.
9. Gheorghe Duca. Multilingual Dictionary of ecologic chemistry . Edit. "Encyclopaedic Studies Institute", 2012 , 680 p.
10 . Ghegamean G. V. Lamarck, Vernadskii, and biosphere. "Priroda", № 9, 1981, p. 78-81 .
11. Hailov K. M. (Khailov K.M.) Ekologicheskii Metabolizm v More. Publishers "Naukova Dumka", Кiev , 1971.
12. Hailov K.M. (Khailov K.M.) Biohimiya Morya : Razvitie, sostoyanie, and prikladnye zadachi. Biologiya Morya, № 2, 1981, P. 3-14 .
13. Harborne J.B. Introduction to Ecological Biochemistry. London, 1977.
14. Lamarck J.B. Hydrogeology . Maillard , Paris, 1802 .
15. Lamarck J.B. Phylosophie zoologique . Paris, 1909 .
16. Liebig J., von , 1840 . Chemisty in its Application to Agriculture and Physiology. Publishers : Taylor und Walton , London , 4th edition, 1847.
17. Lundegardh H. Klima und Baden in therer Wirkung Engineered des auf anzenleben. Gustav Fischer Verlag, Jena, 1954.
18 . Mesarovic M. D. Views on general system theory. Wiley , New York , 1964.
19. Mitscherlich E.A. Das Wirkungegesetz der Wachstrums factoren. London . 1921, Jb . , 56, p. 71-92.
20. Ostroumov S.A. Vvedenie v biohimiceskuyu ekologiyu [Introduction to Biochemical Ecology; in WorldCat (World Catalog) this book is under the title: Vvedenie v biohimičeskuju èkologiju]. Moscow University Press, Moscow, 1986, 176 p.
[This book was translated into Polish and into Bulgarian languages; see more about this book : ] Development of Biochemical Ecology . On the book that was published by Moscow University Press: ' Introduction to Biochemical Ecology' (Moscow University Press, Moscow, 1986, 176 pages):
This is about use of the Polish edition in many Polish universities: Citation of book: Ostroumow S.A. "Wprowadzenie do ekologii biochemicznej", PWN, Warszawa, 1992; [the Polish edition of the book: Ostroumov S.A. Introduction to Biochemical Ecology, Moscow, 1986]. Publications of Polish scientists and lecture courses at Polish universities:
The Bulgarian edition of this book: Sergei Ostroumov. Uvod v Biokhimichnata Ekologiya. Publishers: Nauka i Izkustvo. City of Sofia [Bulgaria]. 1990. 156 p. Translated into Bulgarian by Raina Ivanova.
The Russian edition is in the database Worldcat, the reference is: Sergej Andreevič Ostroumov. Vvedenie v biohimičeskuju èkologiju . Publisher: Moskva : Izdatel'stvo Moskovskogo Universiteta, 1986.
this book is available in the database WorldCat [WorldCatalog]
as the title:
Vvedenie v biohimičeskuju èkologiju ;
The Polish edition of this book is available in the database WorldCat
as the title:
Wprowadzenie do ekologii biochemicznej
In 2011, there was a scientific conference in the U.S.A., which was dedicated to the 25th anniversary of publications of this book by Moscow University Press in 1986.
on this book see: Introduction to Biochemical Ecology; Vvedenie v biohimičeskuju èkologiju; Wprowadzenie do ekologii biochemicznej; Увод в биохимичната екология; Uvod v biokhimichnata ekologii︠a︡; Введение в биохимическую экологию (the title in Russian);
21. Pasteur L., Oeuvres. Paris, 1922.
22 . Purmal A. P. Fiziko - khimiceskie osnovy proţesovv vodnâh sredah . In: Ekologhiceskaia Khimiya Vodnoi Sredy. Publishers: Tsentr mejdunarodnykh proektov GКNT, Moscow , 1988 , p. 23-37 .
23. Rozenberg G. S. Liki Ekologhii. 2004, 225 p.
24. Rubel E. Engineered anzengesellschaften der Erde. Bern-Berlin, 1930 .
25. Sâciov A. Ia. Vvedenie v ekologhiceskuiu himiu . In: Ekologhiceskaia Khimiya Vodnoi Sredy. Publishers: Tsentr mejdunarodnykh proektov GКNT, Moskva, 1988. p. 7-22 .
26. Shelford V. E. Animal Communities in Temperate America. Chicago University Press , Chicago, 1913.
27 . Shelford V.E. Principles of ecology as illustrated by animals . J. Ecology , 3, 1915.
28 . Skurlatov Iu. Osnovy upravleniya kacestvomprirodnâh vod. In: Ekologhiceskaia Khimiya Vodnoi Sredy. Publishers: Tsentr mejdunarodnykh proektov GКNT, Moskva , 1988 , p. 230-255 .
29. Telitcenko M. M. (Editor) . Samoocişcenie Voda and zagreaznitelei migration po troficesckoi tsepi. Publishers: Nauka Press, Moskva, 1984.
30 . Telitcenko M. M., Editor. Fiziologhiceski aktivnâe Soedinenie biologhiceskogo proishojdenia. Moskva, 1971.
31. Telitcenko M. M., S. A.Ostroumov. Vvedenie v Problemy Biohimiceskoi Ekologhii [Introduction to Problems of Biochemical Ecology]. Publishers: Nauka Press , Moscow , 1990. 288 p. ISBN 5-02-004062-2.
This book is in database WorldCat as:
32. Taylor W.P. Significances of extreme or intermittent conditions in the distribution of species and management of natural resources, with restatement of Liebig 's law of the minimum. In: Ecology , v. 15, p. 274-379 , 1934.
33 . Tischler W. Grundzuge der terrestrischen Tierökölogie. Braunschweig, Publishers: Vieweg und Sohn , 1949. 200 p.
34. Travin O. K. Katalizator v Vodnoi Srede. In: Ekologhiceskaia Khimiya Vodnoi Sredy. Publishers: Tsentr mejdunarodnykh proektov GКNT, Moskva , p. 84-94 , 1984.
35 . Vernadsky V. I. Biosphere. Paris, Leningrad.
36. Vernadsky V. I. Khimicheskoe stroenie Biosphery Zemli i eio okrujeniya. Publishers: Nauka Press, 1965 , 1987.
37. Vernadsky V. I. The Geochemistry . Paris 1924, 1949 , 1926.
38. Williams V.R. Pochvovedenie . Izbrannâe socineniav dvuh tomah : Publishers : Gos . Izd . Seliskohoz . Moskva, 1949.
In the journal, the illustration : Tudor Zbarnea . Portrait, u / p, 800 × 600 mm , 2011
Professor Ion Dediu , Biography data [computer translation]: Born June 24, 1934 ;
EDUCATION : 1957 - graduated from the Faculty of Biology and Soil Science , State University of Moldova ; 1960-1962 - Ph.D. studies at State University " M. V. Lomonosov "; 1978 - studied at post-doctorate at the Institute of Zoology of the USSR Academy of Sciences, St . Petersburg;
TEACHING : 1971 - Associate Professor ;1980 - Professor at the Department of Zoology , State University of Moldova ; 1972 -1996 - Head - founder and professor at the Inter - university Department Ecology and Environment , Dean of Faculty of Biology and Soil Science of the State University of Moldova ; 2002 - 2006 - Professor at the Technical University of Moldova , 2007 - present - Professor at the Free University ;
SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITY : 1957-1971 - various positions as a Research Scientist , Senior Researcher , Scientific Secretary , Deputy Director of the Institute of Zoology , MSSR Academy of Sciences; 1990-2001 - director - founder of the National Institute of Ecology under the Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Moldova ; 1992 - member of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova ; 2007 - present - Founder of the Institute for Environment and Sustainable Development Research;
OFFICE : 1990-1994 - Minister of Environment of the Republic of Moldova ; 1994-2001 - Member of the Moldovan Parliament ( Chairman of the Committee of Ecology ) ; 1994-2008 - President - founder of the Environmental Party "Green Alliance" Moldova , Association of Scientists of Moldova , co -founder of the Association of Scientists of Romania ,
Decorated with the Orders and Medals : 1994 - Medal of Civic Merit State ; 1999 - National Order "Labour Glory" of the Republic of Moldova; 1999 - International Order "Green Cross" UN 1999 - Golden Star International Biography Centre, Cambridge ( England) ; 2009 - Award "Gregory Antipas" of Romanian Academy for his "Treatise of Ecology" in five volumes ; 2010 - Order of the Republic.
Monographs :
Dediu , Ion I. Axiomatic Principles and Laws of Ecology : Fundamentals of analytical Ecology . - Publishers : Science Press, City of Chisinau, 2010 . - 216 pp. - Bibliography : P. 200-214 . - ISBN 978-9975-67-747-9 .
Dediu , Ion I. Biosferologie . - City of Chisinau : Phoenix Publishers , 2007. - 146 pp. - Bibliography : p.118 -143 . - ISBN 978-9975-9759-1-9 .
Dediu , Ion I. Ecology of populations - Chisinau : Phoenix Publishing, 2007. - 178 pp. - Bibliography : P. 149-173 . - ISBN 978-9975-9759-2-6 .
Dediu , Ion I. Ecology systemic or ecosistemologie . - Chisinau : Phoenix Publishing, 2007. - 296 pp. - Bibliography : p 265-289 . - ISBN 978-9975-9934-9-4 .
Dediu , Ion I. Encyclopedia of Ecology . - Chisinau , Science , 2010 . - 836 pp. - Bibliography : P.824 - 834. - ISBN 978-9975-67-728-8 .
Dediu , Ion I. Introduction to Ecology . - Chisinau: Phoenix, 2006. - Bibliography : P. 289-332 ( 783 titles of publications ) . - ISBN 978-9975-9934-4-9 .
Dediu , Ion I. Treasure terminology of ecology : Glossary etymological Romanian - Russian - English . - Chisinau : Science , 2010 . - 284 pp. - Bibliography : P. 267-282 . - ISBN 978-9975 - 67-746-2 .
Dediu , Ion I. Treaty of Theoretical ecology : Monograph study . Synthesis - Chisinau : Phoenix Publishing, 2007. - 558 pp. - Bibliography: P. 519-545 . - ISBN 978-9975-9759-3-3 .
Medical management of disasters / Basil Dumitraş Ion Dediu , Nicon Karst et al. - Chisinau : Medicine Publishers , 2010 . - 194 pp. - ISBN 978-9975-4106-5-6 .
Health management campaigns / Dumitraş Basil, and Ion Dediu , Nicon Cârstea . - Chisinau : Medicine Publishers , 2009 . - 256 pp. - ISBN 978-9975-78-801-4 .
National Strategic Action Program in Environmental Protection / under Scientific Coordination of Ion Dediu , Department of Environmental Protection , National Institute of Ecology , World Bank. - Chisinau : Publishers Union of Writers of Moldova, 1995 . - 148 p.
Belous , Tatiana , Svetlana Ştirbu , and Ion Dediu . Biological assessment of the lakes in the Lower Prut Lakes Ramsar Site / / Noosfera : Scientific journal of education , ... and ecological culture. - 2010 . - No. 3 . - P. 25-35 .
Belous , Tatiana , and Ion Dediu . Consideration of Wetlands in the Danube River basin management plan to meet Objectives of the EU Water Framework Directive / / Noosfera : Scientific journal of education , ... and ecological culture. - 2009 . - No. 2 . - P. 30-40 .
Dediu , I. Ecology and economics - two complementary sciences . Prolegomena of Bioeconomics / / Noosfera : Scientific journal of education , ... and ecological culture. - 2009 . - No. 2 . - P.4 -12 .
Dediu , I. Why " noosphere " ?/ / Noosfera : Scientific journal of education , ... and ecological culture. - 2008. - No.1 . - P. 1-4.
Dediu , I. Some problems of ecological exploitation of natural resources in Moldova: 100 birthday of Academician Fyodorov EC / / Noosfera : Scientific journal of education , ... and ecological culture. - 2010 . - No. 4 .
Who cited. ResearchGate. Citation of publications of Dr. Sergei A. Ostroumov, Fulbright Award winner. In: Italy, Moldova, Spain, Finland, United Kingdom, Mexico, Portugal, U.S.A., China, France, Australia, Greece, Poland, Philippines, Uruguay,
Key words:
ecology, environmental, science, protection, toxicity, water, safety, sustainability, water self-purification, ecotoxicology, hazard assessment, bioassay, detergents, surfactants, filter-feeders, bivalves, mollusca, plant seedlings, phytoremediation, conservation, biology, biomembranes, membranes, bioenergetics
about availability of one of books that was cited in the paper by Prof. I.Dediu:
this book is available in the database WorldCat [WorldCatalog]
as the title:
Vvedenie v biohimičeskuju èkologiju ;
The Polish edition of this book is available in the database WorldCat
as the title:
Wprowadzenie do ekologii biochemicznej
Topics: chemical ecology, biochemical ecology.
Akademos, Number 4 (31), 2013, p.77-81. ( in Romanian / Moldovan).
Text of the paper online free:
English translation see below.
Publisher of the journal (ISSN 1857-0461): Academy of Sciences of Moldova. Site of the journal:
Affiliation of the author: Institute of Ecology and Geography, Academy of Sciences of Moldova (Institute of Ecology and Geography of Academy of Sciences of Moldova [ASM])
Published in the journal :
Akademos, Number 4 (31 ), December 2013, p.77 - 81 .
key words, in short:
background factors, chemical ecology, ENVIRONMENT;
Member of Academy of Sciences of Moldova (ASM)
Professor Dr. I. DEDIU
[Institute of Ecology and Geography of ASM (Academy of Science of Moldova) ]
[The text is a result of a computer translation, with imperfections]:
This review paper analyzed the genesis and the evolution of the concepts related to chemical factors in the environment. The scientific study of these factors has been initiated by: A.-L. Lavoisier, Louis Pasteur, J.B. Lamarck, Justus von Liebig, continuing with Victor Shelford, W. P. Taylor, E. Rubel, W. Tischler, P. Williams, B. Harborne, M. Barbier, Sergei A. Ostroumov, Mikhail M. Telitcenko, Kirill M. Khailov, et al. As a result, these scientists created two areas of science, namely, Biochemical Ecology and Environmental Chemistry. The science of biochemical ecology started in Moscow in 1986 with the book 'Introduction to Biochemical Ecology' ( Vvedenie v biohimičeskuju èkologiju 1986; Moscow University Press; Polish edition: Wprowadzenie do ekologii biochemicznej, 1992). In the Republic of Moldova, the science of ecological chemistry started in Moldovan State University, at the end of the 1980s, being its founders Professor A.Ia. Siciov and academician Gheorghe Duca. Currently, the academician Gheorghe Duca successfully leads the national school of ecologic chemistry.
Keywords: genesis, chemical factors, biochemical ecology, ecological chemistry, ecology, biochemistry, chemistry, history of science, biogeochemistry.
Antoine Lavoisier - French chemist known as the father of modern chemistry; discovered oxygen and disproved the theory of phlogiston (1743-1794):

Justus Freiherr von Liebig (12 May 1803 – 18 April 1873) was a German chemist who made major contributions to agricultural and biological chemistry, and worked on the organization of organic chemistry.
Louis Pasteur ( December 27, 1822 – September 28, 1895) was a French chemist and microbiologist renowned for his discoveries of the principles of vaccination, microbial fermentation and pasteurization.
Gheorghe Duca:
This is the text of the paper, translated by computer (with imperfections and mistakes of computer translation; this text could be considered as an extended list of key words):
Chemical components of the environment of particular interest to modern ecology. This concern has a history of over 200 years , when one of the founders of chemistry as a science, Antoine Laurent Lavoisier (1743 - 1794) , in 1792, presented to Scientific French Academy his work "Circling of [chemical ] elements on Earth". The very title and content of the report shows that surprisingly this French author was not only a great chemist, but also one of the first ecologists in the world (where the ecology as a science had no name). Lavoisier said it in a short and clear way: "The plants are in ambient air, water and all nature substances necessary for life. The animals feed with plants or other animals, so that, finally, substances, which are part of their bodies are taken from the air and mineral kingdom. Then , due to fermentation , the decomposition of and combustion of these substances, they return to the atmosphere and the mineral world, where they borrowed ... " [this is not a literal translation]. In fact, Lavoisier was the scientist who discovered and described the biotic circling of chemical elements in nature. Further the French author wonders ( not rhetoric) : " In what ways nature performs this amazing circling of substances between the three kingdoms [ minerals, plants and animals]?" And he answers: " Because combustion and fermentation are how to turn to the kingdom of mineral materials where you extracted to create plants and the animals, their development must be reverse phenomenon combustion and fermentation ... ".
Louis Pasteur in his report on achievements of chemical and biological sciences ("The role of fermentation in nature "), noticed the Lavoisier 's research , particularly with regard to the division of the phenomenon of continuity life on Earth that is reduced to three functional organic constituent elements: producers , consumers and decomposers. In this context of the genesis of the surrounding nature sciences, we subscribe to the opinion of G. S. Rozenberg (2004) who wrote that, if there had not been the guillotine of the Great French Revolution, today we would have begun the history of ecologicy with the name of A.L. Lavoisier, as he was the first who perceived not only just importance of chemicals in plant and animal life, but also their ecological role in biotic world, about 150 years in anticipation of appearance of V.I. Vernadsky biogeochemistry (1926). The famous French naturist at the beginning of XIX century, J.B. Lamarck (1744 - 1829), in his "Hydrogeology" ( 1802 ) asked (with pioneering character): are particularly influential the living organisms on substances and components of the earth's crust? are the results of this particularly significant?
J.B. Lamarck (1744 - 1829):
Here is the answer: "...the influence of living organisms on these substances is enormous and multifaceted ...", taking into account , first, accumulates biosediments the earth's crust from generation to generation (Ghegamean, 1981, p. 78, quoted by Rozenberg, 2004, p.23).
At stake is not just simple references, but finding key prolegomena to a new are of science. As V.I. Vernadsky (1965) concluded, Lamarck was the first ( in the context of living organisms particularly influential on the earth's crust ) who was the closest to the modern concept of the biosphere... Lamarck was the French natural genius who, among other achievements, developed the first hypothesis (of materialistic character, sometimes naive, sometimes even wrong ) on the evolution of the organic world (see Lamarck,1809). Continuation of this line of thought was the work of the great Russian naturalist ("the last of the Mohicans of classical naturalism ") Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky (1863-1945). He, drawing the fundamental conceptualization of the biosphere (dominant today in the world scientific literature), formulated the fundamental principles ( postulates ) of biogeochemistry, all of them based on and connected with his other work - his book on geochemistry.
In this context, we will not forget to mention the German school of chemists (better to say, agrochemists ) Justus von Liebig founded (1803 - 1873) . He was the second after Lavoisier , of the chemists who were very close to ecology (which did not exist as such). He formulated the theory of circling of carbon ( C ) and nitrogen ( N ) in nature. In 1840, Justus von Liebig discovered and formulated the law of the minimum: the substance found in the environment at minimum amounts determined during harvest volume (crop plants ), as referring to the author ( by unilateral fact - noted n.) only chemical factors plant nutrition.
Subsequently, Liebig 's law was extended to other environmental factors such as, for example, temperature, time etc. (see Shelford , 1913 ; 1915 , Taylor 1934, Tischler , 1949, etc.) . Moreover, another German agrochimist A. Mitscherlich ( 1909 , 1921) , together with B. Baule (1918 ) discovered and formulated action law combined ( combined effect ) of ecological factors ( Mitscherlich 's Law - Baule ) , as a consequence law of synergism between chemical factors , that an environmental factor (not just chemical ) other factors may be particularly influential bodies or requirements under certain environmental conditions .
Mathematically , this phenomenon can be expressed in the following form: production (e.g., the productivity of crops) γ depends not only on a single environmental factor (such would be consistent with Liebig 's minimum law ) , as he is limiting or adjusted , and the whole assembly factors that interact according to the formula γ ═ γ( x1 , x2 , x3 ... xn ), where x1 , x2 , x3 ... are ecological factors. It has been shown experimentally that such dependence increased production of organisms (population, ecosystem, biosphere) , depending on the concentration (size ) of environmental factors (e.g ., addition of nutrients) , there is logarithmic, notlinear . The positive effect of the action as factor becomes more obvious as the concentration factor that is lower (in relation to the physiological necessity of organisms) . Similarly, applying the methodology of systemic (holistic , or integral ) action of factors of environmental chemicals on ecosystems allowed the discovery of other environmental laws - the Law action relative to the limiting factors formulated Lundegard H. (1954 ) growth curve shape bioproductivity depends not only a factor (active) in the minimum quantity , and also on other factors. This means, also in terms of holistic vital that the environment of ecological systems operate as a well integrated whole ( synergy ) factors (limiting ) called the Lundegard "Liebig system" or " L - system " (after Poletaev ) . intensity ment as ecological metabolism of living and the environment depends on flux of atoms of chemical element that is found in minimal concentrations of the " L " individual success ( population a species ) in its habitat is determined interactions between (bio) chemical components of this system.
We mention two environmental laws : 1 . Compensation law relative deficit of factors or Rubel 's Law (1930 ) that the absence or deficit of a factor (usually of a substance biogenic) of habitat or body and can be offset (replaced) with equivalent factor ( functionally close ). 2. Law [...] absolute ecofisiologically fundamental factors (solar, carbon dioxide , nutrients , water, oxygen) ... V. R. Williams (1949).
As demonstrated in these and other laws autecologiei basic chemistry of the environment priority in relationships ( interdependencies ) body system - habitat, biocenosis - biotope and so on , on the one hand , the system provides habitat living matter and chemical information of vital importance for everyday life , on the other hand , as ments living environment influenţează by their exometabolites operation process ( creation and operation ecological niches) . Just in these interrelationships and interactions issue constituted research, [ ...] ( paradigms ) scientific question. The first ( oldest ) appeared geochemistry , and then descending thereof, biogeochemistry - the science of role of living organisms in circling of chemical elements - which was
founded by V. I. Vernadsky in the early 1920s (1924 , 1926) of the XX century.
Here I should point out that Vernadsky's biogeochemical paradigm of the biosphere , set about 100 years ago, was disputed by some scientists; but the affirmative and expressed confi most scientists who study the biosfere in the world. But there are some uncertain issues on the definitions in particular reference to the objects of study of two related research areas: chemical ecology (biochemical ) and ecologic chemistry . We will try to make more clear the thicket of terminology and semantic thereof. Frenchman M. Barbier (1976) was the first who managed to synthesize all that was known to him about chemical interactions between organisms (plants and animals) and the environment in a very successful monograph titled 'Introduction to l'ecology chimique' (Introduction to Chemical Ecology) . A year later the work appears by Englishman B. Harborne (1977), titled 'Introduction to Ecological Biochemistry'.
Improving the definition of M. Barbier, Dr. Sergei A. Ostroumov (M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University) in his book 'Introduction to Biochemical Ecology' (1986) found that chemical interactions put forward by the French author can be of two types:
(1) interactions performed using substances and molecules that function as sources of energy and matter and (2) interactions made of chemical molecules that function exclusively or mainly as intermediaries informational ( biosemiotic messengers ) or ecological regulators of processes of energy and material transfer in ecosystems.
Moscow State University:
It is important to note the study of relations of the second type , which refers to the biochemical ecology as they are subject of the environmental sciences. When they do not cover many issues particularly influential on abiotic components ( if our chemical ) habitat ( biotope) , for example elements of mineral nutrition of plants. Substances within the competence of ( topics, scope of interest to) biochemical ecology are present in the environment or in the organisms producing them in smaller amounts than the necessary substances which are used as sources of energy / construction materials . These are the so-called exometabolites or exocrine substances (hormones environment) that B.A. Bycov (1988) calls them [ ...] secondary metabolites. In one way or another, exometabolites , which are permanently present in the biotic environment , play very important roles: the roles of ecological chemomediators, chemoeffectors and chemoregulators [these concepts and innovative terminology were suggested by Dr. Sergei A. Ostroumov (1986) ] organic all natural and anthropogenic ecosystems. The issues of environmental pollution linked to detoxification and degradation of pollutants are also a part of biochemical ecology of priority concerns, as it is emphasized in the book of Dr. S.A. Ostroumov (1986). So the basic subject of chemical ecology (biochemical ecology) is the study of the interrelationships between organisms that takes place with the help of chemicals, which perform the informational and regulators in all ecological processes .The fundamental object of the environmental sciencesis the specific substances that meet mediating functions / regulatory (biosemiotic) in intrabiocenotic relations . These substances exercise many functions: trofic functions and are participating [...] in vital biochemical reactions.
Dr. Sergei A. Ostroumov rightly believes that substances involved in the biochemical reactions that addressed as components of systems environmental co-executor and messengers of ecological processes in the Earth's biosphere . The main difference is the crux of biochemical ecology and biochemistry as related sciences, but partially distinct . Here we specify that biochemistry studying the same substance as biochemical ecology, but outside the ecological perspective. Dr. Sergei A. Ostroumov, one of the founders of biochemical ecology in Russia (with K. M. Hailov, 1961 , 1981; M. M. Telitcenko , 1971 , 1982; et al.) , which we associate ourselves, is right in that ecobiochimical research is an obvious priority of contemporary ecology and environmental sciences [...]. Another area , which also deals with the study of elements ( molecules ) and substances in chemical environment is ecologic chemistry . This, Gheorghe Duca (2012 , p. 120 ) has the object of research processes that determine the composition and chemical properties of the environment [...] meaning that in one way or another, there is influence positive negative [...] living organisms. The chemical composition of the habitat (biotope) ecological systems is mainly determined constitute factors of the substrate in the geographical area that ( Landscape ) in question. Under these environmental circumstances, living organisms (biocenotic components) find molecules and strictly necessary biogenic substances (H2O , CO2, N, P , K , amino acids , trace elements, etc.) under conditions of biotope pollution with toxic substances. Living organisms (biocenotic components) react appropriately, in accordance with the laws of ecotoxicology and [...].
In addition, within the scope of ecologic chemistry is performed research on physico-chemical kinetic components indigenous or non-indigenous natural chemical (polluting and / or toxic ) environment of concrete , thus contributing to the development of principles general theoretical chemistry . It is in this context, the development and strengthening new scientific field ( interference between chemistry and ecology ) at the Moldova State University (MSU) , and the Academy of Sciences of Moldova (ASM ) developed a new field of research, namely, ecologic chemistry. Its beginnings coincided with the convocation of the State University Schools in City of Chisinau first ( conference ) Union entitled "Ecologic chemistry of the aquatic environment" ( 24 -26 October 1985) . Basic essay presented by physico - chemist Professor A. Ia. Sâciov [Sychev], "Introduction to ecologic chemistry" and the definitions proposed this field of research : "Science on pollution by anthropogenic chemicals, and their transformation mechanisms in the biosphere. " The definition was supported by other participants at the conference, e.g ., A. L. Purmal, Gheorghe Duca, O. S. Travin, Iu . I. Skurlatov and others.
Thus was born, at the Faculty of Chemistry of Moldova State University, the national school of ecologic chemistry, including the Department of industrial and environmental chemistry , in addition to it be held that research specialization students and doctoral students who continue [...] successful so far. After the death of Prof. A. Ia. Sâciov (Prof. A. Sychev), as the head of the Moldovan school of ecologic chemistry - logically and legally - stood his disciple: Academician, Professor George Duca, whose contribution to the development of concerned is undeniable, well known beyond the borders of our country. Not only the series of monographs and manuals (see bibliography at the end of present work) has certainly entered the "knowledge heritage" internationally.
Scientific work that academician Gheorghe Duca is crowned his exceptional "Multilingual Dictionary of Ecologic Chemistry" (2012 ) , which is the first of its kind and represents unique, useful for schools, students, graduate students, PhD specialists, for all who are interested in the issues of chemical factors and chemical pollution of the environment (water, soils , atmosphere, biota itself, food and so on) . However, we evoke and editorial success and printing of Encyclopaedic Research Institute of ASM (Academy of Science of Moldova), led by Dr. C. Manolache .
Finally, we summarize that the substances, molecules , chemical elements can and should be is addressed detailed ( comprehensive ) monitored regularly the triangle formed by a biogeochemical side , Another biochemical third - physico-chemical , centerind be busy in their interactions with living systems environment, because:
1. Living systems using chemical elements their daily life , transform biochemical and biogeochemical , guiding them through trophic chains ( food webs ) [....] geochemical and stores them in the form the organic deposits and "inert organic" (soil , marine sediments, and rocks ... ), deposits organogenic (coal, oil , gas, shale) etc.
2. Chemical itself , the first the biogenic, if falling in biotic circuits due reducing organisms are transformed into elements ( molecules) simpler by following flowchart : habitat ( biotope ) → acceptor → biomass of organisms; Reducing bodies created → mortmass → →elements ( molecules) → elementary chemical systems. Photosyntetic organisms and chemosynthetic organisms → biomass→ mortmass → elements ( molecules) elementary→ biogenic habitat ... The biotic cycling closes, then opens again ... ad infinitum ... But this circling has a permanent place only under natural conditions, without the brutal intervention of anthropogenic activities. The study of these biochemical and biogeochemical issues directly involved two areas of ecology: biochemical ecology and biogeochemistry .
3. Circuit element(s) of chemical you may change all or part if the biosystem- hit items in chemical alien pollutant / degrading / toxic . to fundamental resolution of these problems occur , than biochemical ecology and ecologic chemistry, ecotoxicology and saproecologia .
4. In all three cases the focus researchers put first be alive (living system) in interrelations: living substance ↔ chemical environment ; elements (molecules) this relationship - positive or negative direct or indirect - involved in proper functioning of ecological processes for so they ( relations and consequences ) will be developed within the laws of general ecology , where appropriate, resortingis and laws of chemistry .
5. It is obviously that is is necessary to have a further collaboration ( interaction ) between the ecologists and chemists, taking as fundamental object of study chemical elements / substances in the context of the interactions: ecobiochimic ↔ chimioecologic.
1 . Barbier M. Introduction a l' ecology chimique. Publishers: Masson , Paris, 1976.
2 . Bykov B. A. Ekologhiceskii slovari . Publishers: Nauka AN Kaz. SSP, Alma -Ata , 1988, 247 p.
3. Dediu I. Theoretical Ecology Treaty. Publishers : Ed " Phoenex", City of Chisinau, 2007, 558 p.
4. Dediu I. Ecology Encyclopedia. Publishers : Publishing House "Science", Chisinau, 2010 , 835 p.
5. Dediu I. Axiomatic principles and laws of Ecology. Publishers : Publishing House "Science" , Chisinau, 2010, 215 p.
6. Gheorghe Duca. Kinetica himiceskih prevraşenii v vodnâh ekosistemah . In: Ecologhiceskaia Himiya Vodnoi Sredy, Moskva , 1988 , p. 95-109 .
7. Gheorghe Duca, Skurlatov I., Matthew A., M. Macoveanu. Ecologic Chemistry. Bucharest, 1999.
8. Gheorghe Duca, Skurlatov Iu. I., Sychev A. Ia. Redox catalysis and ecological chemistry. EC USM, Chisinau, 2002.
9. Gheorghe Duca. Multilingual Dictionary of ecologic chemistry . Edit. "Encyclopaedic Studies Institute", 2012 , 680 p.
10 . Ghegamean G. V. Lamarck, Vernadskii, and biosphere. "Priroda", № 9, 1981, p. 78-81 .
11. Hailov K. M. (Khailov K.M.) Ekologicheskii Metabolizm v More. Publishers "Naukova Dumka", Кiev , 1971.
12. Hailov K.M. (Khailov K.M.) Biohimiya Morya : Razvitie, sostoyanie, and prikladnye zadachi. Biologiya Morya, № 2, 1981, P. 3-14 .
13. Harborne J.B. Introduction to Ecological Biochemistry. London, 1977.
14. Lamarck J.B. Hydrogeology . Maillard , Paris, 1802 .
15. Lamarck J.B. Phylosophie zoologique . Paris, 1909 .
16. Liebig J., von , 1840 . Chemisty in its Application to Agriculture and Physiology. Publishers : Taylor und Walton , London , 4th edition, 1847.
17. Lundegardh H. Klima und Baden in therer Wirkung Engineered des auf anzenleben. Gustav Fischer Verlag, Jena, 1954.
18 . Mesarovic M. D. Views on general system theory. Wiley , New York , 1964.
19. Mitscherlich E.A. Das Wirkungegesetz der Wachstrums factoren. London . 1921, Jb . , 56, p. 71-92.
20. Ostroumov S.A. Vvedenie v biohimiceskuyu ekologiyu [Introduction to Biochemical Ecology; in WorldCat (World Catalog) this book is under the title: Vvedenie v biohimičeskuju èkologiju]. Moscow University Press, Moscow, 1986, 176 p.
[This book was translated into Polish and into Bulgarian languages; see more about this book : ] Development of Biochemical Ecology . On the book that was published by Moscow University Press: ' Introduction to Biochemical Ecology' (Moscow University Press, Moscow, 1986, 176 pages):
This is about use of the Polish edition in many Polish universities: Citation of book: Ostroumow S.A. "Wprowadzenie do ekologii biochemicznej", PWN, Warszawa, 1992; [the Polish edition of the book: Ostroumov S.A. Introduction to Biochemical Ecology, Moscow, 1986]. Publications of Polish scientists and lecture courses at Polish universities:
The Bulgarian edition of this book: Sergei Ostroumov. Uvod v Biokhimichnata Ekologiya. Publishers: Nauka i Izkustvo. City of Sofia [Bulgaria]. 1990. 156 p. Translated into Bulgarian by Raina Ivanova.
The Russian edition is in the database Worldcat, the reference is: Sergej Andreevič Ostroumov. Vvedenie v biohimičeskuju èkologiju . Publisher: Moskva : Izdatel'stvo Moskovskogo Universiteta, 1986.
this book is available in the database WorldCat [WorldCatalog]
as the title:
Vvedenie v biohimičeskuju èkologiju ;
The Polish edition of this book is available in the database WorldCat
as the title:
Wprowadzenie do ekologii biochemicznej
In 2011, there was a scientific conference in the U.S.A., which was dedicated to the 25th anniversary of publications of this book by Moscow University Press in 1986.
on this book see: Introduction to Biochemical Ecology; Vvedenie v biohimičeskuju èkologiju; Wprowadzenie do ekologii biochemicznej; Увод в биохимичната екология; Uvod v biokhimichnata ekologii︠a︡; Введение в биохимическую экологию (the title in Russian);
21. Pasteur L., Oeuvres. Paris, 1922.
22 . Purmal A. P. Fiziko - khimiceskie osnovy proţesovv vodnâh sredah . In: Ekologhiceskaia Khimiya Vodnoi Sredy. Publishers: Tsentr mejdunarodnykh proektov GКNT, Moscow , 1988 , p. 23-37 .
23. Rozenberg G. S. Liki Ekologhii. 2004, 225 p.
24. Rubel E. Engineered anzengesellschaften der Erde. Bern-Berlin, 1930 .
25. Sâciov A. Ia. Vvedenie v ekologhiceskuiu himiu . In: Ekologhiceskaia Khimiya Vodnoi Sredy. Publishers: Tsentr mejdunarodnykh proektov GКNT, Moskva, 1988. p. 7-22 .
26. Shelford V. E. Animal Communities in Temperate America. Chicago University Press , Chicago, 1913.
27 . Shelford V.E. Principles of ecology as illustrated by animals . J. Ecology , 3, 1915.
28 . Skurlatov Iu. Osnovy upravleniya kacestvomprirodnâh vod. In: Ekologhiceskaia Khimiya Vodnoi Sredy. Publishers: Tsentr mejdunarodnykh proektov GКNT, Moskva , 1988 , p. 230-255 .
29. Telitcenko M. M. (Editor) . Samoocişcenie Voda and zagreaznitelei migration po troficesckoi tsepi. Publishers: Nauka Press, Moskva, 1984.
30 . Telitcenko M. M., Editor. Fiziologhiceski aktivnâe Soedinenie biologhiceskogo proishojdenia. Moskva, 1971.
31. Telitcenko M. M., S. A.Ostroumov. Vvedenie v Problemy Biohimiceskoi Ekologhii [Introduction to Problems of Biochemical Ecology]. Publishers: Nauka Press , Moscow , 1990. 288 p. ISBN 5-02-004062-2.
This book is in database WorldCat as:
Language: Russian Publisher: Moskva : "Nauka", 1990. Database: WorldCat Book is available in the U.S. in 8 libraries; in U.K. in 2 libraries; in Netherlands in Universiteit van Amsterdam, Centrale Bibliotheek (University of Amsterdam, Central Library) |
32. Taylor W.P. Significances of extreme or intermittent conditions in the distribution of species and management of natural resources, with restatement of Liebig 's law of the minimum. In: Ecology , v. 15, p. 274-379 , 1934.
33 . Tischler W. Grundzuge der terrestrischen Tierökölogie. Braunschweig, Publishers: Vieweg und Sohn , 1949. 200 p.
34. Travin O. K. Katalizator v Vodnoi Srede. In: Ekologhiceskaia Khimiya Vodnoi Sredy. Publishers: Tsentr mejdunarodnykh proektov GКNT, Moskva , p. 84-94 , 1984.
35 . Vernadsky V. I. Biosphere. Paris, Leningrad.
36. Vernadsky V. I. Khimicheskoe stroenie Biosphery Zemli i eio okrujeniya. Publishers: Nauka Press, 1965 , 1987.
37. Vernadsky V. I. The Geochemistry . Paris 1924, 1949 , 1926.
38. Williams V.R. Pochvovedenie . Izbrannâe socineniav dvuh tomah : Publishers : Gos . Izd . Seliskohoz . Moskva, 1949.
In the journal, the illustration : Tudor Zbarnea . Portrait, u / p, 800 × 600 mm , 2011
About the author .
Professor Ion Dediu :Professor Ion Dediu , Biography data [computer translation]: Born June 24, 1934 ;
TEACHING : 1971 - Associate Professor ;1980 - Professor at the Department of Zoology , State University of Moldova ; 1972 -1996 - Head - founder and professor at the Inter - university Department Ecology and Environment , Dean of Faculty of Biology and Soil Science of the State University of Moldova ; 2002 - 2006 - Professor at the Technical University of Moldova , 2007 - present - Professor at the Free University ;
SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITY : 1957-1971 - various positions as a Research Scientist , Senior Researcher , Scientific Secretary , Deputy Director of the Institute of Zoology , MSSR Academy of Sciences; 1990-2001 - director - founder of the National Institute of Ecology under the Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Moldova ; 1992 - member of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova ; 2007 - present - Founder of the Institute for Environment and Sustainable Development Research;
OFFICE : 1990-1994 - Minister of Environment of the Republic of Moldova ; 1994-2001 - Member of the Moldovan Parliament ( Chairman of the Committee of Ecology ) ; 1994-2008 - President - founder of the Environmental Party "Green Alliance" Moldova , Association of Scientists of Moldova , co -founder of the Association of Scientists of Romania ,
Decorated with the Orders and Medals : 1994 - Medal of Civic Merit State ; 1999 - National Order "Labour Glory" of the Republic of Moldova; 1999 - International Order "Green Cross" UN 1999 - Golden Star International Biography Centre, Cambridge ( England) ; 2009 - Award "Gregory Antipas" of Romanian Academy for his "Treatise of Ecology" in five volumes ; 2010 - Order of the Republic.
Monographs :
Dediu , Ion I. Axiomatic Principles and Laws of Ecology : Fundamentals of analytical Ecology . - Publishers : Science Press, City of Chisinau, 2010 . - 216 pp. - Bibliography : P. 200-214 . - ISBN 978-9975-67-747-9 .
Dediu , Ion I. Biosferologie . - City of Chisinau : Phoenix Publishers , 2007. - 146 pp. - Bibliography : p.118 -143 . - ISBN 978-9975-9759-1-9 .
Dediu , Ion I. Ecology of populations - Chisinau : Phoenix Publishing, 2007. - 178 pp. - Bibliography : P. 149-173 . - ISBN 978-9975-9759-2-6 .
Dediu , Ion I. Ecology systemic or ecosistemologie . - Chisinau : Phoenix Publishing, 2007. - 296 pp. - Bibliography : p 265-289 . - ISBN 978-9975-9934-9-4 .
Dediu , Ion I. Encyclopedia of Ecology . - Chisinau , Science , 2010 . - 836 pp. - Bibliography : P.824 - 834. - ISBN 978-9975-67-728-8 .
Dediu , Ion I. Introduction to Ecology . - Chisinau: Phoenix, 2006. - Bibliography : P. 289-332 ( 783 titles of publications ) . - ISBN 978-9975-9934-4-9 .
Dediu , Ion I. Treasure terminology of ecology : Glossary etymological Romanian - Russian - English . - Chisinau : Science , 2010 . - 284 pp. - Bibliography : P. 267-282 . - ISBN 978-9975 - 67-746-2 .
Dediu , Ion I. Treaty of Theoretical ecology : Monograph study . Synthesis - Chisinau : Phoenix Publishing, 2007. - 558 pp. - Bibliography: P. 519-545 . - ISBN 978-9975-9759-3-3 .
Medical management of disasters / Basil Dumitraş Ion Dediu , Nicon Karst et al. - Chisinau : Medicine Publishers , 2010 . - 194 pp. - ISBN 978-9975-4106-5-6 .
Health management campaigns / Dumitraş Basil, and Ion Dediu , Nicon Cârstea . - Chisinau : Medicine Publishers , 2009 . - 256 pp. - ISBN 978-9975-78-801-4 .
National Strategic Action Program in Environmental Protection / under Scientific Coordination of Ion Dediu , Department of Environmental Protection , National Institute of Ecology , World Bank. - Chisinau : Publishers Union of Writers of Moldova, 1995 . - 148 p.
Belous , Tatiana , Svetlana Ştirbu , and Ion Dediu . Biological assessment of the lakes in the Lower Prut Lakes Ramsar Site / / Noosfera : Scientific journal of education , ... and ecological culture. - 2010 . - No. 3 . - P. 25-35 .
Belous , Tatiana , and Ion Dediu . Consideration of Wetlands in the Danube River basin management plan to meet Objectives of the EU Water Framework Directive / / Noosfera : Scientific journal of education , ... and ecological culture. - 2009 . - No. 2 . - P. 30-40 .
Dediu , I. Ecology and economics - two complementary sciences . Prolegomena of Bioeconomics / / Noosfera : Scientific journal of education , ... and ecological culture. - 2009 . - No. 2 . - P.4 -12 .
Dediu , I. Why " noosphere " ?/ / Noosfera : Scientific journal of education , ... and ecological culture. - 2008. - No.1 . - P. 1-4.
Dediu , I. Some problems of ecological exploitation of natural resources in Moldova: 100 birthday of Academician Fyodorov EC / / Noosfera : Scientific journal of education , ... and ecological culture. - 2010 . - No. 4 .
Who cited. ResearchGate. Citation of publications of Dr. Sergei A. Ostroumov, Fulbright Award winner. In: Italy, Moldova, Spain, Finland, United Kingdom, Mexico, Portugal, U.S.A., China, France, Australia, Greece, Poland, Philippines, Uruguay,
Key words:
ecology, environmental, science, protection, toxicity, water, safety, sustainability, water self-purification, ecotoxicology, hazard assessment, bioassay, detergents, surfactants, filter-feeders, bivalves, mollusca, plant seedlings, phytoremediation, conservation, biology, biomembranes, membranes, bioenergetics
about availability of one of books that was cited in the paper by Prof. I.Dediu:
this book is available in the database WorldCat [WorldCatalog]
as the title:
Vvedenie v biohimičeskuju èkologiju ;
The Polish edition of this book is available in the database WorldCat
as the title:
Wprowadzenie do ekologii biochemicznej