Calming kitty

A good way to bond with a cat is to read out loud. Cats love the sound of your voice and will want to sit near and snuggle.
I use this technique with shy cats.
Many of my kitty clients are a little shy at first so I often bring a book along and read with the cat near-by.
Most times my kitty-client will fall asleep after a page or two.

I've had a busy weekend cat-sitting. I'm caring for 'my regulars' I call them. No new kitties to get to know. 
Here are a few of their charming faces.

Shy but lovable Quincy who thinks the camera is evil.

and his side-kick Flash


 gorgeous Willow
and senior kitty
She has such a comical expression and it never, ever changes.

Busy again this week.
Stay tuned for more 'lovelies'.
hugs, Deb

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