Twin Cities Radio: Jeff Dubay OUT At KSTP-AM

Jeff Dubay
Jeff Dubay, the KSTP 1500 AM sports talk host who left the airwaves a while back because of drug problems, was let go Monday in his second time around on the air after one year, according to

Dubay, 45, said in a series of tweets that the Hubbard Broadcasting station laid him off “purely for cost cutting measures.”

Despite being jettisoned from his late-morning duties with Judd Zulgad, Dubay added that he was grateful “for the great opportunity” AM1500 management gave him following his legal difficulties connected to drug addiction. Drugs cost him his initial on-air radio job as a morning co-host on KFAN, when its home was AM 1130.

“Thanks to all who have given their love and support,” one of his tweets read.

Following the tweets, the station added on its Facebook page that Dubay “has done a great job for us. Unfortunately, the 2014 business environment requires that we operate in a more efficient manner. This decision is not a reflection of Jeff’s performance. It is a reflection of our current operating environment.”

The station added that Monday was Dubay’s last day and that there are no plans for new on-air talent.

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