Taiwan CDC: Death Of H7N9 Tourist & Epidemiological Assessment



# 8198


We’ve a pair of new statements from Taiwan’s CDC on Mainland China’s H7N9 outbreak this morning, the first of which notifies us of the death of the 86 year-old tourist who was diagnosed on December 31st (see Taiwan CDC Reports Second Imported H7N9 Case).


The slightly syntax challenged machine translation indicates that the patient was removed from isolation on January 14th, after found to be no longer shedding the virus, but succumbed yesterday due to complications of pneumonia and septic shock.


The first two cases of H7N9 flu cases imported because of severe pneumonia complicated by septic shock, died on January 20 (2014-01-21)

Command Center announced to (102) imported the first two cases of H7N9 influenza cases in the December 31 was confirmed yesterday (1/20) evening due to severe pneumonia and septic shock and death, the case for the Chinese mainland, Changzhou City, Jiangsu Province, 86 year-old male, diagnosed at the onset and during late December to Taiwan tourism. The case was later hospitalized, after repeated sputum collection, extracts, etc. throat swabs and bronchoscopy specimens, H7N9 influenza virus tests were negative, then on Jan. 14 released from quarantine treatment, except for pneumonia duration of symptoms, hospitalization, death yesterday.

Command Center, said after the case diagnosed, health units that for the general contacts and close contacts to keep track of which close contacts (including family members, tour guides, drivers, and other health care professionals and patients in the same ward) has appeared in the relevant The test results were negative symptoms, to track where they are not found to have an infected person.


Given its close proximity to the Chinese mainland, and the fact that it has already seen two imported H7N9 cases, it is not surprising that this avian flu virus commands a fair amount of attention on Taiwan’s CDC webpage.  In a statement regarding today’s 6 newly announced cases from Guangdong and Zhejiang provinces, they caution:


Command Center pointed out that mainland China after the autumn series of confirmed cases of H7N9 flu, do not rule out the epidemic in mainland China Southern has a tendency to expand, to remind people to mainland China should avoid live bird markets and birds out of the street, the city, and contact with poultry and birds bird carcasses. Also reminds physicians should ask history and history of exposure to strengthen patient travel, such as found in line with the definition of H7N9 flu patient notification, shall promptly notify the health authority and the cautious response.


While it hasn’t appeared on the English language portal of Taiwan’s CDC website, we’ve the following (machine translated) epidemiological assessment of the H7N9 situation on the mainland, that finds that while there are no signs of sustained human-to-human transmission of the virus, with the upcoming Spring Travel Festival it is imperative that local people in Taiwan and travelers to China pay attention to personal hygiene and avoid contact with birds.


This assessment notes the increased number of cases reported, a geographic southward expansion in cases, and an increasing number of younger patients being infected than we saw last year.  Severity (among detected cases) remains high, and most cases appear to have had contact with birds, or have visited live bird markets.


Nearly leave the Central Epidemic Command Center assessment of the recent H7N9 influenza increased risk of imported cases, urged people to continue to prevent, physicians remain vigilant (2014-01-21)

H7N9 influenza Central Epidemic Command Center today (1/21) held its 21st meeting, on the Chinese mainland will be in the epidemiology of influenza H7N9 virus characteristics information, the assessment autumn H7N9 flu cases have occurred on the likelihood and impact of domestic affected. The results showed that, H7N9 flu is not yet confirmed there are signs of sustained human to human transmission, but with the increasing trend of the epidemic in mainland China Southern, China after H7N9 flu autumn imported increased risk, especially the Spring Festival leave almost expected that our country recently may still have imported cases, but have been expanded to the risk of imported cases of the outbreak is low, appealed to the local people in Taiwan and mainland China should pay attention to go to personal hygiene and avoid contact with birds.

Command Center pointed out that after the autumn H7N9 flu cases in China are more concentrated in Zhejiang Province and Guangdong Province, mainland China does not rule out the epidemic has expanded south trend, increasing the proportion of young population, severity of the disease is still high and most have live bird markets and poultry Bird history of exposure, based on current information on the disease and related research data analysis, before and after the autumn H7N9 influenza virus gene sequences important sites with similar autumn, although some genes with a variety of avian viruses to produce recombinant phenomenon, but the human respiratory virus Cell adhesion is still not as seasonal flu viruses, the experimental data show that the spread of the virus in the force difference between mammals and for resistance to antiviral agents without diffusion phenomenon is not yet confirmed that there are signs of sustained human to human transmission. Chinese New Year holidays approaching, the number of Chinese people from the mainland and from the significant increase in the risk of imported cases are also expected to rise, but the ability to present the spread of the virus has not changed, resulting in a low probability of local cases.

Again I want to go to the command center in mainland China and local Taiwanese people should be implemented hand-washing and other personal hygiene measures to avoid the bird out of the local live poultry markets and street, city, and contact with poultry and birds dead birds, eating chickens, ducks, geese and eggs cooked to order to avoid infection. When you return home if fever or flu-like symptoms, they should inform the airline personnel and airport and port of quarantine officers; such as after returning the above symptoms should wear a mask and seek medical advice and inform the physician contact history and travel history. Also reminds physicians should ask history and history of exposure to strengthen patient travel, such as found in line with the definition of H7N9 flu patient notification, shall promptly notify the health authority and the cautious response. Latest epidemic diseases and other related information can be found in the Agency website (http://www.cdc.gov.tw) the "H7N9 flu Corner" and "International Travel Information" area, or call the toll-free hotline and caring people informed epidemic 1922 ( or 0800 - 001922) contact.

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