Rwanda: FDU-Inkingi refutes false statements from Jean-Baptiste Mberabahizi

Rwanda: FDU-Inkingi refutes false statements from Jean-Baptiste Mberabahizi

Kigali, January 26, 2014.
This Saturday, January 25, 2014, a gentleman named Jean-Baptiste Mberabahizi issued a press release that uttered crude lies on an alleged meeting between the delegation of the UN investigators on human rights currently in visit to Rwanda and two members of the FDU-Inkingi's Provisional Executive Committee (CEP), namely Flora Irakoze, the Treasurer, and Fabien Twagirayezu, the Spokesperson.
What is more disgusting is that in his press release Jean-Baptiste Mberabahizi slandered two international organizations, namely Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch, alleging that these organizations might have accompanied the CEP delegation which met with the UN investigators.
This lie alone suffices to reveal the true intentions of Jean-Baptiste Mberabahizi. Indeed, it is incomprehensible and sad to implicate international organizations in a maneuver he already knew was malicious.
Jean-Baptiste Mberabahizi claims that Ms. Flora Irakoze was part of the CEP delegation that met with the UN investigators. However, for more than two months, Ms. Flora Irakoze is in hiding because the police are on her trail. The RPF regime is chasing her because she co-signed the famous letter sent to the Prime Minister by some students from colleges and universities who were complaining against the government's decision to suspend scholarships to certain categories of students. It was therefore necessary for Ms. Flora Irakoze to seek a hideout for security reasons. Jean-Baptiste Mberabahizi who claims to work with her should be aware of this information. Otherwise, he is uttering pure lies.
It is also worth reminding all of you who have been misled by such lies that the FDU-Inkingi's leadership is in Kigali with Ms. Victoire Ingabire Umuhoza as the party's Chair while the party's Secretary General is Mr. Sylvain Sibomana. Abroad, the party is represented by the Coordinating Committee, which is currently led by Dr. Nkiko Nsengimana. There is no member of this Coordinating Committee known as Jean-Baptiste Mberabahizi.
It is true that various foreign delegations that stop by Kigali usually visit the FDU-Inkingi's CEP and the party's Chair, Ms. Victoire Ingabire Umuhoza, in her cell at the Kigali Maximum Security Prison, which is mostly known as "1930". When it is necessary to make a public statement about such visits, it is up to the party's official structures to do so.
The party FDU-Inkingi therefore requests that the statements of this gentleman Jean-Baptiste Mberabahizi and his acolytes be taken as what they really are, that is, pure lies aimed at intoxicating, slandering and sabotaging the party's actions in its efforts to relieve the people of Rwanda that are currently afflicted by the oppression.
The party FDU-Inkingi asks Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International, which have been embarrassed by such utterances, to be understanding and to dismiss such statements from imposters which are not conducive to the well being of the party.
The party FDU-Inkingi finally urges its members and supporters to ignore such false rumors and put more energy into actions aimed at helping all Rwandans to resist against the oppressive regime.
For FDU-Inkingi
Boniface Twagirimana
Interim Vice-President

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