Referral: Branswell On The MERS-CoV Threat



Coronavirus – Credit CDC PHIL

# 8137


Although Crof has already mentioned it, it is simply impossible to over-recommend a Helen Branswell article, so I’ll gladly add my 2 cents as well.   Helen talks to a number of MERS coronavirus researchers on their evolving perceptions of the threat posed by this emerging virus.

Highly recommended.


A global threat or so 2013? Experts read the tea leaves on MERS coronavirus

By Helen Branswell, The Canadian Press on January 6, 2014.2013.

TORONTO – Infectious disease watchers were worried in the late summer of 2013. The largest annual mass gathering in the world, the Hajj, was approaching. Meanwhile, infections with the new MERS coronavirus were mounting weekly in Saudi Arabia, where more than two million of the Muslim faithful would soon gather.

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