Gwyneth was 4 months old on Sunday.
She is teething now. Ouchie...
She is grabbing things, holding her torso up and rolling over.
Life is fun for Gwyn except for the teething. :(
I do hope the teething is over soon.
And what is going on around here today?
Lots of this. It is very, very cold outside.
Sierra dreams of her mornings sitting on the porch waiting for her mailman to arrive. I'm sure the love-affair will pick up where it left off come Spring.
But as cold as it is, the sun is shining. That changes everything. :) I'm heading out.
Annie & Audrey are not interested in the sun today. They have a new toy and that takes priority.
The Cat's Meow
I recommend this toy highly. You just press the button on top and the mouse tail starts to move . It really grabs their interest and gets them moving, too.
You can imagine Annie is in her glory.
It's called the Cat's Meow and can be purchased here at Walmart and Giant Tiger.
hugs, Deb