ocean blue

Cobalt blue water, warm sunshine, lush green volcano mountains and salty spray on your suntanned face… one can dream, right? A year ago, that is how our everyday reality looked like. The powdery white snow outside my window lets me know it'll last a while longer till we're back at it. Even if it is tempting, it isn't a very smart idea to cast off from Boston harbour and sail South in the middle of this cold winter. So our next sailing chapter will have to wait at least four-five months more. If you are anxious to read up on some current sailing content, click in on Uncommon Caribbean where our Caribbean friends have an online sailing week and they currently offer good deals on sailing vacations and much more.

And if you too feel tempted to leave the unforgiving winter behind for good, maybe to buy your own sailboat is the next good thing to do? Check in on Boat24 for the best second hand boats on the market.

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