Jimmy Kimmel ObamaCare Bit Raises Media Questions

Late night comics have been tearing the atrocious rollout of ObamaCare apart.

Conceivably, according to the politically conservative content analysis organization newsbusters.org, the best job done to date was by ABC’s Jimmy Kimmel who during his opening monologue Tuesday evening absolutely savaged the law whilst ridiculing the uninformed young people in this country that have ignorantly supported something that clearly harms them.

But Newsbusters, raises several question: with the exception of the penis pump issue, everything that Kimmel addressed was known before ObamaCare was enacted.  Certainly, America’s youth are woefully uninformed.

Assume for a moment, suggests Newsbusters, that as this bill was being crafted, and well before it was rammed through both chambers of Congress without one Republican vote, America’s media had actually informed the public about what was in the legislation.

Imagine if news outlets other than conservative ones explained that the entire concept of the law was that healthy young people were going to be required to buy something they didn’t need so that older, less healthy people would either get health insurance for free or more cheaply.

Imagine if news outlets other than conservative ones explained that young people were also going to be required to buy something they didn’t need so that Medicaid could be expanded offering “free” healthcare to more lower income people.

Imagine if MTV for example brought on experts to discuss how this law was going to impact its young viewers rather than showing public service announcements featuring actors and musicians selling them on why they should support something that clearly wasn’t in their best interest.

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