In 1942..."Abie's Irish Rose," with a cast that variously included Clayton "Bud" Collyer, and Mercedes McCambridge, began a 2½-year run on NBC Radio.
In 1958...The Quarry Men gave their only performance at the Cavern Club in Liverpool. Three years later the musicians returned as the Beatles.
In 1962...Brian Epstein signed with the Beatles as their manager. George and Paul's fathers had to sign for their sons, who were still minors. According to the terms of the agreement, Epstein was to get 25 percent of the group's earnings, provided they made more than $400 each per week.
Beatles' Manager Brian Epstein is interviewed in New York City by Murray the K for WOR-FM Radio in 1967.
In 1984...Apple introduces the Macintosh 128K
In 1993...Ashley Jade Stern was born, the daughter of Radio personality Howard Stern