Indian minister's wife found dead after hacking his twitter account to reveal he was cheating

Minister, alleged mistress, Wife(in black)
Omg! You know hours ago..I posted a story about this Indian Minister's(Shashi Tharoor) wife who hacked into his twitter account on Thursday and posted messages he exchanged with his alleged mistress...Her husband then tried to cover the shame by claiming it was the work of unknown hackers
She( the wife) went to the press and said he was lying. She said she did it to show he was unfaithful with the female journalist (middle). She said the woman was stalking her husband and she claimed she was hurt and may seek a divorce

Just now BBC reported on Breaking news that she is dead . Mrs Sunanda Pushkar body was discovered at a hotel in Delhi..
This is so sad..if you missed the initial story  CLICK HERE

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