I think I'm writing because it's easier. Because if I made a video a lot of people would watch it and made nasty comments about it. But if I write a lot of people won't even bother to read it. So I write. Even though I don't like writing, I write.
Why you ask? Because there are a lot of things that need to be changed. So stick with me if you're one of those people who would like to make a change.
I just finished watching 13 reasons why. And just as I thought - it got me thinking. And If you don't know, this is a show about this high school girl who made 13 tapes about why she killed her self. Wow she killed her self? Is that a dirty word? Should I say she committed a suicide? Is that better? Well face it. No matter what term do we use, it's still what it is. Let's not be afraid to talk about things like that. About depression, anxiety, suicide, feeling lonely,...because all that my school has taught me (besides pointless subjects) is how to be safe in the car, safe sex, what alcohol and drugs can do to you...but it didn't though me this little, but important, thing - what people can do to you? How mean your schoolmates can be. Yes, I was one of those kids. Those who were bullied for whole 9 years of freaking middle school. And writing that I can hear my ex schoolmates who bullied me, laughing and saying "we didn't even bully her, that's a lie". Well say what you want. But deep down you know what you did and how awful you were, not only to me but to few others kids too. But I will not get into the details.
School didn't teach me how to stand up to the bullies. And after all it didn't teach me how to stand up to teachers. Teachers who would see such things and just walk away. Teachers who, like the bullies, disrespected me and would say Nasty things to me. And teachers who I would at the age of 6, ask for help, because others were bullying me, and who just ignored me and didn't do nothing. Teachers who made me be silent for all those years, because I was so afraid that no one would ever believe me or help me.
So instead of teaching us all the useless shit you are teaching us. You should teach us how to be kind to one another. How to help one another. Parents should teach their kids how to respect everyone and love everyone no matter what raise,religion, age they are.
Teachers should be focused on how to make kids become adults with a soul and kind heart, and not only fill us with all the information that we don't really need in life. Teach us life.
At the end (for all of those who are still reading this) - thank you. Don't be afraid to be "weird". Don't be afraid to stand out, even if others tell you otherwise. Just don't be afraid. And thank you all my ex teachers and bullies who made me who I am today. Thank you, because of you I know it's okay to not fit. I know it's okay to follow your dreams and to stay true to who you are. Thank you!
Thank you for your time XX