(en) Libertarian Socialism # 2 - Theory and Ideology by Anarchist Brazilian Coordination ( CAB ) II (2/2) (pt)

In conclusion, we affirm that theory and ideology are the basis of anarchist political 
Our policy practice involves elements of the theoretical and ideological: we have certain 
principles and a general strategy, which are essentially ideological elements; perform 
structural and conjunctural readings, past and present, and try to establish some tips, 
which are essentially theoretical elements ; seek reconcile our final objectives with our 
reading of reality and, through a political practice, transforming this society society we 
want for the future and for this, other key elements of the theoretical and ideological.
Our political practice should therefore properly manage the concepts of theory and 
ideology, knowing differentiate them and / or recognize their influence, depending on the 

In general terms, we can say that the theory covers the "how" we will analyze and produce 
knowledge about the social - historical field , ideology refers to a level of analysis 
that has its "relative autonomy" and that interdependence is the set the overall 
structure, it generally contains a future perspective - bound in our interest to political 
practice, wins traits doctrine.

Doing this , we understand power boost our intervention and our design popular power 
forward in relation to our overall strategy. As we stated earlier:. "CAB aims to boost a 
project of popular power in the regions where it operates , making the spark that 
anarchism should flare popular movements, towards our ideal of freedom and socialism " 
(CAB , "Our Conception of People's Power")

To do this we mean the next step in building our hike box theoretical tools and 
programmatic development of our national strategy.

Related Link : http://www.vermelhoenegro.net

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