Someone was woken from a very comfy snooze today.
Surprisingly, she did not head for the hills when she saw what all the noise was.
She stayed to figure out this wee human that has been showing up at her house lately.
This is where you would normally find her when a stranger entered. Safely tucked away in one of her hidey-holes.
Audrey is 'maturing' in many ways this year and one is that she is not so afraid of strangers; even little ones. I'm sure she would run for the hills if the baby made an unexpected LOUD noise but if Gwyn is happy and is Audrey. Attagirl!
My feeders are being used only by squirrels on these very cold days. They are enjoying the fruit (although it is frozen) and the nuts. The suet sits untouched. I am in the market for a bird-house that holds the suet, too, like I have seen on some blogs. Smart idea. Today I put out the third apple in my apple feeder.
I'm glad that I am forced out the door these frigid days or I would find projects in the house and stay put. Of course, that is not the healthiest thing to do for too long but again...very smart at -20C. We bundled up and managed a walk with our old dog, Kane and then he curled up in front of the wood-stove and snoozed the afternoon away.
I fear for our wild-life (ferals included) as they are not getting any reprieve from this miserably cold weather. How does anything survive out there? I have not missed a night to place food for the feral cats and plenty of it. It is all gone the next day. For all I know, I am feeding other animals, too, but I don't care at this point. Everything is starving. That is something that feels heavy at times.
Time to bring out the pretty china.
My favorite tea on a cold day lately is English Breakfast Tea. It is so refreshing and only needs a touch of milk to make it perfect.
I suppose if it wasn't for this cold snap I would never pick up my knitting so for that I am happy. I'm knitting a blanket for my grand-daughter's doll bed. She's a pink lover. Easy as pie. Oh....pie. Now that would be good with this tea. ;-) but a berry scone will do.
Stay warm, get at some of those forgotten projects inside that have been knawing at you lately and please help feed the wild-life if you can.
hugs, Deb