Big, beautiful eyes

Cat tid-bit...
a white cat with green, brown or gold eyes will hear fine.
a white cat with 2 blue eyes will be stone deaf.
a white cat with 1 blue eye and 1 other colour will only be deaf on the side of the blue eye.
Our Lily has two gold eyes.

The weather has finally calmed down and we are looking at a sunny, decent weekend. It should be around +5 or so. Almost balmy for us.
I brought home some daisies just because. I have noticed lots of flowers on blogs the last few days. I think we are all thinking 'spring' since winter showed up early this year.

Look who came to visit today.

Auntie Allie and Gwyn. More big, beautiful eyes.
She was playing shy today.
When she smiles my heart melts.

I can never find Audrey when little people arrive. And then as soon as they leave I find her in one of her hidey-holes. "Oh Audrey, you are such a scaredy-cat."

"The baby has gone. Are you happy now?"

"Do you have a smile for my readers?"
hugs, Deb

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