Today i am sharing Google Translate Gadget for your blogspot/website,
with the help of this gadget you can easily translate your blog/website into any language. I hope you will enjoy this tutorial and will be must appreciate me.
Its very nice and easy.
You can check my previous post Add Flying Letters Below Mouse Pointer Animation and before this i have shared one more interesting thing that is Add Circle Image Style to Popular Post In Blogger.
Now we will start this tutorial. If you have any problem about this tutorial you can Contact Us, we will try to explain it more.
1. Sign In to your blogger account and click on "Pages"
2. Click "Add Gadget " and select "HTML/JavaScript".
3. Copy this below code and Save it.
<script src=""></script>
4. You can copy this code from this link.
5. Now you can see new blog gadget.
with the help of this gadget you can easily translate your blog/website into any language. I hope you will enjoy this tutorial and will be must appreciate me.
Its very nice and easy.
You can check my previous post Add Flying Letters Below Mouse Pointer Animation and before this i have shared one more interesting thing that is Add Circle Image Style to Popular Post In Blogger.
Now we will start this tutorial. If you have any problem about this tutorial you can Contact Us, we will try to explain it more.
1. Sign In to your blogger account and click on "Pages"
2. Click "Add Gadget " and select "HTML/JavaScript".
3. Copy this below code and Save it.
<script src=""></script>
4. You can copy this code from this link.
5. Now you can see new blog gadget.