After the sadness of losing Toby yesterday, I realised that I hadn't posted photo's of our lovely last walk with him at Richmond Park on Boxing Day. It was a cold, misty morning in the park.
Sofy was taking time to raise her energy levels:
While Wiggle was busy running with his ball:
Toby was very perky on Boxing Day, trotting along by the river:
Sofy was in the river:
Wiggle and Cato were running around:
Toby, looking happy as he headed for a puddle:
And in the puddle, some fun splashing around:
Muddy fun:
Green parakeets live in the tree's in the park:
Yesterday, we were of course quite subdued but today, we had a cold, crisp start to our day so went out early to cheer ourselves up with a walk at Greenwich Park:
Wiggle, with his ball as usual:
Cato and Sofy, best of friends:
Running in the sunshine in the historic park:
Cheeky Sofy, sticking her tongue out for their photo:
A sneaky squirrel ran out in front of us:
Starting to slow down, running uphill towards coffee and breakfast. Shared with the dogs, of course:
We all miss Toby but are very glad that he had such a fun day on Boxing Day and that we were able to share it with him.