Why can't I get the words to this song right?!

I'm a chorus teacher, and I never get the words right to my student's songs.  They laugh at me when I screw them up.  Maybe it's a learning issue?!  Who knows...Anyway...I remember, as a child, singing the words to songs for years, and then, when I finally saw the words on paper, I thought to myself, "That is what they were singing?!"

Oh well....I miss the words, but I definitely don't miss the pitches and rhythms!  That's what I always tell my students!  I have no idea what the words this song are because I am so totally focused on singing the pitches and rhythms correctly!  I hardly look at the words!

That's probably part of the reason I've become a Sight Singing specialist!

Yesterday, I confirmed with the editor at Choral Director magazine that an article I submitted on Sight Singing for Middle School children will be published in their January issue!  YEA!  Very excited about that!  It's my first published article on the subject.

Also, remember...on January 23rd, I'll present the NAFME webinar on Sight Singing.

I am getting lots of good and helpful feedback on S-Cubed!  Successful Sight Singing for Middle School Teachers and their Students.  I am super excited about the long-term potential.  I hope the unique offering will serve lots of people in their classrooms.   As I am over halfway done developing the 2-part version of it, I see it as a workshop-slash-progressive set of usable lesson plans for the teacher and her/his students.  I am working to make sure it is something that I would have love to have had when I started teaching in the chorus classroom....Lessons with teaching tips and teaching examples that I can learn from and use over and over without spending more and more money to replace books!

Lesson 17 is in progress and should be published next week.  Then, during the last week of school, I will be working on getting one to two more lessons out.  This way, folks who start the program in January with their students will have lots to work with between January and the end of the school year!

Click to see the latest offering in S-Cubed!
Have a great weekend!
  Check out my blog!

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