The Monday Meow
Greetings fellow kitties in Cyberspace, as mew may know last week my blogging schedule was rather rudely interrupted by things beyond my control, howeffur this week I'm back, bigger and better (Well maybe not, but here's hoping! MOL)
Some of my totally pawesome furriends already know about Cat Scouts, as they too, are memfurs of this fan'cat'stic new interwebs group, but fur those of mew who don't, Cat Scouts has landed and I'm going to share a few pawesome things with mew today that I've been doing since I joined.
Firstly, if mew fancy joining, here's the link:
[Part of]
It's a furry simple process, my P.A. had me signed up in a jiffy under my expert guidance, of course.
I'm a memfur of: Worldwide Wildcats Troop and in the brief few weeks since I have been a memfur, I've completed several tasks and have been awarded Merit Badges. I try to work fur and get a new badge effury week and it's so much fun! Here's my collection thus far:
This one is fur making furriends - a pawesome pastime - I love my furriends
Fur being Purrpared at all times
This is my Rank, fur the moment, as I'm a newbie
I showed my expert skillz in the art of Basketry [sleeping in one]
I used my pawesome tree climbing skillz to attain this one
This one was achieved because I'm a blogger and a writer of novels
This week the Merit Badge I'm going fur is: The Meatloaf
Here's all the available badges to work fur, and as mew can see, there's a real big heap of them and more are added all the time. At least it will keep me busy over the winter months.
Mew collect points too fur all interactions and there is a scoreboard rank, the kitties on there are way out in the lead with all their pawesome karma points, so I have a lot of work to do but it's really great fun collecting them.
So if mew would like to join in the fun, mew know what to do and where to go.
Dib Dib Dib
Bestest Monday Purrs
[All images Copyright Cat Scouts/MouseBreath]