See more at: Rascal & Rocco
Well, I blinked and another week has gone. The P.A. has been furry busy again, hence the lack of posting here - tsk tsk Ms. Garnell - I will be reviewing her contract in the Mew Year and making sure she is tied up tighter than a ball of wool after Smoochie has been playing with it, in other words - no posting = BIG Issues - which in turn = penalties! Muwahahaaaahaaaaaha!
On another note, I got into a bit of a fight last night with a neighbours cat, and much to my horror I got bitten on my back leg and on my neck, so will be going to the vet in approximately 2 hours, this I can say does not amuse me at all as I know it will involve los of prodding and poking and then, horror of all horrors an injection. But my P.A. is forcing me to go, as if I don't I could get sick, like last time with a high temperature and feeling really horrid *big sigh* I know she's right, but who really who effur wants to go the vet willingly??? NOT ME, No way, No how - but sadly the carrier is out and I'm going in it.... *Big sigh* But as I have little choice in the matter, I will be furry brave and go get my medicine like a good little soldier.
And on another note, Smoochie is going to the vet tomorrow as well, it's time for his annual check-up and injections. He doesn't know this yet, so that will an unpleasant surprise fur him in the morning :(