Our Christmas Great Room and Kitchen ...

WOW, is Christmas really next week ?!  I better get on the ball and finish (wait … make that *start!*) my shopping!

In the meantime, I thought I'd share more of our holiday home … I'll keep words to a minimum since I'm overloading you with pictures of our great room and kitchen!

Step on into our great room, decked in traditional Christmas colors!

I love it all lit up at night!

And, noooow, step on over to our whimsical Christmas kitchen!

I love the crisp red and white in here and, admittedly, I'm going to be so sad taking ALL of this down next week!  Booooo ….

I hope you'll stop back by so I can bombard you with more pictures of our holiday home, including our dining room, breafast area and porch!

Thanks for visiting,

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