Our Christmas Bedroom/Better Late than Never Virtual Party

Happy Friday, friends! 

Today, I'm joining a few of my sweet blogging buddies for a "Better Late than Never" virtual holiday party, where I'm sharing our Christmas master bedroom.  

Yup, I'm one of "those" people who loves to add a Christmas tree in our bedroom, too.

If I'm already adding 9 trees, what's ONE more, right? **sheepish grin**

I love decking it with ornaments in blue, gold, silver and white to match our bedroom decor.

And, no surprise that I added another crazy topper!

Leftover garland found its way to our bed (where I have to be extra careful that I don't accidentally whack it with a pillow).  Annnnnd, apparently, it's snowing in here, too!

A Christmas angel blows her horn to wake us up in the morning!

Annnnd, a few leftover ornaments and lit branches dress up a simple arrangement.

This glittery "JOY" sign has reminded me to keep a smile on my face, even when I have to clean in here!

If you ever find yourself with a "leftover" tree, I hope that you'll add one to your bedroom, too!

Thanks so much for stopping by our Christmas bedroom!  I've got so much more of our holiday home to share … hope you stop back by soon!

And, please join the other gals as they share parts of the gorgeous holiday homes as part of our "Better Late than Never" virtual tour!

Also linking up with:

Savvy Southern Style/WUW

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