India. Researchers downloaded full-texts of the papers [ecology, environmental, science, protection, toxicity, water, safety, sustainability, water self-purification, ecotoxicology, hazard assessment, bioassay, detegents, surfactants, filter-feeders, bivalves, mollusca, plant seedlings, phytoremediation, conservation, biology] authored/edited by Sergei A. Ostroumov, from ResearchGate: The publications of this author were also downloaded by scientists from
**USA, Norway, Austria, France, Italy, Australia, et al.
Dr. S.Ostroumov's score is higher than 80% of ResearchGate members (the end of December, 2013).
The publication list of Dr. Sergei A. Ostroumov, key words: ecology, environmental, science, protection, toxicity, water, safety, sustainability, water self-purification, ecotoxicology, hazard assessment, bioassay, detegents, surfactants, filter-feeders, bivalves, mollusca, plant seedlings, phytoremediation, conservation, biology:
Bangalore University, India; This publication was downloaded:
7 hours ago
075150225300 < 448121620242832> 36 See how the RG Scores of researchers from Bangalore University are distributed.
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