I have been rehearsing my thank you speech, because I think one has to make one when given an award, right? So, here goes... krhmm..
I would like to thank the Academy, my staff (especially the lady of the house for being my secretary) and my dear readers. I would love to thank my sponsors, but since I don't have any, so, I kind of can't. But the rest of you make this blogging thing so much fun. So, thanks!
When accepting the Sunshine Award, I have to do some things:
- Share eleven random facts about myself.
- I can hear/sense immediately when the lady wakes up in the morning, and grabs her phone from her night stand. I run to her straight away, and start purring and nibbling her phone. She should notice me first!
- Otherwise, I let my staff sleep at nights.
- I always follow the lady of the house to the toilet. Unless she closes the door so I can't open it... Then I meow and scratch the door so that she would notice what she did wrong.
- I also follow her to the shower. Unless she closes the door so I can't open it... Then I meow and scratch the door so that she would notice what she did wrong.
- I have a slight addiction to Trash Pack -toys. If I see one, I eat it. Unfortunately, the staff has restricted my access to these toys.
- When my staff leaves the house, I always send them off by watching out the terrace doors' window, sitting on my scratching pole. I keep staring at them as long as they are gone.
- I've been neutered.
- As soon as a water faucet is opened somewhere in the house, I'm there.
- I behave well in the car when traveling. I mostly sleep in my travel box.
- I haven't destroyed stuff around the house. I'm intelligent enough to only scratch my own scratching pole.
- The big one sometimes calls me stupid. I'm going to pee on his pillow.
- Answer eleven questions:
1. Have you ever owned a Ragdoll cat?
- No
2. If you could have one wish (and it actually came true) what would it be?
- Limitless access to my favourite snacks.
3. If you ever won $1000, what would you do with it?
- Hmmm... is that little or a lot of money? What is it in Euros? By me some snacks!
4. What is your favourite state in North America?
- North America is sooooo far away, that I don't know so much about it... California sounds nice and summery.
5. Would you ever be interested in breeding any animals?
- No, I have been neutered.
6. What's your favourite movie?
- I don't watch movies, but I like to watch my staff when they watch the movies.
7. Where are you from?
- Finland
8. What's your favourite colour?
- Black of course, as in my fur.
9. What's your favourite animal?
- Cats, but fish for a meal.
10. For how long have you been blogging?
- About four months
11. Do you like cats more than dogs?
- Of course! Allthough, I have never met a dog...
- Present this award to eleven bloggers who deserve some recognition and a little bloggin' love.
I don't know if the following blogs have already been awarded, but I will give this to them anyway :-)
- Mister Minoune's blog
- Sushi's Diary
- Pawsitively Pets
- Hannah and Lucy
- The Island Cats
- Stunning Keisha
- Kitty Korner
- Fuzzy Tales
- Jan's Funny Farm
- Pretinha & Amigos
- Pose eleven questions for those bloggers.
I think the questions above were good, so keep answering to those!
There. I hope my secretary got all the practicalities right....