I've been awarded!

OMC, I'm so touched and happy to receive my very first blog award! I was given this honor by Nerissa, at the great Nerissa's Life -blog. I was actually given a change to choose from many awards. I chose the Sunshine Award, since it reminds me of the coming summer I'm already waiting for, since we are over Christmas already.

I have been rehearsing my thank you speech, because I think one has to make one when given an award, right? So, here goes... krhmm..

I would like to thank the Academy, my staff (especially the lady of the house for being my secretary) and my dear readers. I would love to thank my sponsors, but since I don't have any, so, I kind of can't. But the rest of you make this blogging thing so much fun. So, thanks!

When accepting the Sunshine Award, I have to do some things:

- Share eleven random facts about myself.
  1. I can hear/sense immediately when the lady wakes up in the morning, and grabs her phone from her night stand. I run to her straight away, and start purring and nibbling her phone. She should notice me first!
  2. Otherwise, I let my staff sleep at nights.
  3. I always follow the lady of the house to the toilet. Unless she closes the door so I can't open it... Then I meow and scratch the door so that she would notice what she did wrong.
  4. I also follow her to the shower. Unless she closes the door so I can't open it... Then I meow and scratch the door so that she would notice what she did wrong.
  5. I have a slight addiction to Trash Pack -toys. If I see one, I eat it. Unfortunately, the staff has restricted my access to these toys.
  6. When my staff leaves the house, I always send them off by watching out the terrace doors' window, sitting on my scratching pole. I keep staring at them as long as they are gone.
  7. I've been neutered.
  8. As soon as a water faucet is opened somewhere in the house, I'm there.
  9. I behave well in the car when traveling. I mostly sleep in my travel box.
  10. I haven't destroyed stuff around the house. I'm intelligent enough to only scratch my own scratching pole.
  11. The big one sometimes calls me stupid. I'm going to pee on his pillow.

- Answer eleven questions:

 1.  Have you ever owned a Ragdoll cat?
     - No
2.  If you could have one wish (and it actually came true) what would it be?
     - Limitless access to my favourite snacks.
3.  If you ever won $1000, what would you do with it?
     - Hmmm... is that little or a lot of money? What is it in Euros? By me some snacks!
4.  What is your favourite state in North America?
     - North America is sooooo far away, that I don't know so much about it... California sounds nice and summery.
5.  Would you ever be interested in breeding any animals?
     - No, I have been neutered.
6.  What's your favourite movie?
     - I don't watch movies, but I like to watch my staff when they watch the movies.
7.  Where are you from?
     - Finland
8.  What's your favourite colour?
     - Black of course, as in my fur.
9.  What's your favourite animal?
     - Cats, but fish for a meal.
10.  For how long have you been blogging?
     -  About four months
11.  Do you like cats more than dogs?
       - Of course! Allthough, I have never met a dog...

- Present this award to eleven bloggers who deserve some recognition and a little bloggin' love.
I don't know if the following blogs have already been awarded, but I will give this to them anyway :-)
These are just a few I more or less follow, and every blog I've found so far would earn an award! So even if you weren't on this list and have seen me in your comment box, you surely earn this award and feel free to grab it!

- Pose eleven questions for those bloggers.
I think the questions above were good, so keep answering to those!

There. I hope my secretary got all the practicalities right....

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