Tying the knot might be the happiest day of your life - but new research released today has revealed marriage makes you fat.According to a report by Dailymail..
Childbirth is another factor - with women in particular blaming this for weight gain.
According to the research, 72 per cent of those polled felt under more pressure to stay slim when they were single because they were still looking for a partner.On the other hand, 82 per cent of couples said they put on weight after marrying or settling in a stable relationship.
And 54 per cent of couples admitted that they put weight on together.Women, in particular, felt under less pressure to stay slim if their husband or boyfriend was putting on weight at the same time
Sinking into wedded bliss causes couples to put on an average of 4lbs a year after wedlock, as the comfort of a stable relationship leads many to abandon diets.According to a poll of 1,000 people, this results in many couples being more than a stone heavier less than four years after their wedding day.Settled couples also feel under less pressure to look good because they are no longer seeking a partner.
The main reason for piling on the pound is the amount of time they spend staying in and snacking together in front of the TV.
Childbirth is another factor - with women in particular blaming this for weight gain.
According to the research, 72 per cent of those polled felt under more pressure to stay slim when they were single because they were still looking for a partner.On the other hand, 82 per cent of couples said they put on weight after marrying or settling in a stable relationship.
And 54 per cent of couples admitted that they put weight on together.Women, in particular, felt under less pressure to stay slim if their husband or boyfriend was putting on weight at the same time