We awoke this morning to find that Santa had indeed visited, brought toys, and even nibbled a few bites off the sugar cookies we made for him last night.
Logan began waking us up at 2:30am. It was a really windy night and he claimed he could hear Santa on the roof. He woke me up again at 4am, telling me he saw bugs all over in his room. I think he was just wound up tight, so excited for the big day.
Finally at 6:30am, we let the boys go downstairs to see what Santa had brought. Wyatt got a car carrier,
and Jack & Logan got Switch & Go Dino's.
From us they got cap guns,
and Leap Frog books.
Wyatt got legos from Aunt Julie,
and some Melissa & Doug tools.
They also got Cars from Grandma Woo Woo and candy from Grandma & Papa Carl.
We got Wyatt a Leap Frog Tag reader, and he is so excited to have his own!
Grandma Carol sent Despicable Me 2, which Logan was thrilled about (!!!)
and Jack got Planes. Wyatt got a set of CD's and we have ordered him a CD player so that all the boys can have music on in their playroom. They are pretty excited for it to get here, as am I!
My mom got Wyatt a remote control firetruck that was a HUGE hit.
The whole morning the boys ran from toy to toy, trading and sharing and playing.
This afternoon their sleep-deprivation from being awake off and on all night started to show, and bedtime couldn't come soon enough.
They were asleep before I finished singing, and I am hopeful they will sleep soundly tonight, because mama needs some sleep!!!
While the boys were eating breakfast Jack goes, "I can't believe we got this many toys!" And the crazy thing is, not all of it is even here! With the weather we've been having, a lot of our mail has yet to make it here. We are waiting for gifts from at least four loved ones, so the next few weeks will be fun, with more gifts rolling in each day!
This was Wyatt's first year to have cinnamon rolls.
I was so proud of him when he started pulling it apart to eat it as it unrolled.
Well done, son. Well done!
My mom bought me this Willow Tree carving. I absolutely adore it, and it so beautifully symbolizes what she has meant to me the last few months. Struggling as I have with anxiety, she has truly carried me through it.
Josh got left handed scissors, and a left handed spiral notebook from my parents. I got lotion and foot cream from them. From his parents he got a variety of nuts which has delighted him and the boys to no end. I told Wyatt what he was eating were called, "pistachios" and he said to me, "Actually, they are supposed to be called nuts." He cracks me up!
This is the card that came with my Willow Tree figurine set.
During the holidays especially, it's important to feel that my loved ones are close, even if it's only metaphorically. I miss my family, I miss some of our traditions. But knowing that we are in each others' hearts helps so much.
Overall, I would say it was a beautiful Christmas day, with plenty of down time, lots of yummy treats, and more than enough blessings!