China's Next Move Is To Establish A South China Sea Air Defense Zone

China is pressing huge territorial claims, outlined in red, in the South China Sea region. The Philippines, Vietnam and others are also making claims. VOA

A South China Sea ADIZ: China’s Next Move -- Harry Kazianis, The Diplomat

The East China Sea Air Defense Identification Zone is just the beginning.

I hate making predictions. Truthfully, I am the type of person who likes to go to casinos for the latest sporting events or concerts and would never throw my money away in a slot machine or on the blackjack table. However, I can guarantee Vegas would lose its shirt on this bet, an easy wager to make: Look for China in the next year to eighteen months to declare an ADIZ over the South China Sea — in fact, Beijing’s ambassador to the Philippines appears to have alluded to such a move. Heck, I will even take it a step further and bet the wife and dog on this one: Beijing will create such a zone in the Yellow Sea as well at some point in the near future.

Why am I making such a prediction? Two recent factors come into play that in my view give China the rationale along with the ample cover they need to make such a move.

First, Washington appears to have given Beijing the green light to go forward — albeit unintentionally it seems

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My Comment: I am also in agreement with the above author's prediction that after establishing an air defense zone in the South China Sea, the Chinese will also establish another air defense zone in the Yellow Sea that will further aggravate Chinese - South Korean relations.

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